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"What's your girl doing right now, you act like you haven't talked in nine hours" josh said as I laughed, "she drinking with her friends, well at a party" I said and he gave me a weird look, "she 17?" I nodded.

"She better be drinking apple juice" I laughed, "pretty sure it's adult apple juice" he laughed, "so why are you freaking out, she's with her friends right" I nodded "her ex boyfriends there, she hasn't texted me all night, it's not like I don't trust her I just don't know" he nodded.

"You shouldn't freak out, she knows what she has and she isn't going to mess that up"

"Babe it's three am" I said as I answered her FaceTime, "I miss you" she said with a giggled "y/n who the hell are you talking to, where did you get your phone, here" her friends said while handing her a glass of water.

"I want food" y/n said to her friend, "hey sam" her friends said and I waved, "food" y/n said again and her friends nodded and walked out, "as I was saying, baby, I miss you and I can't wait to see you when you get home" she said and I smiled.

"I miss you too" she got all smiley, "I was going to text you but we have this thing where we don't bring our phone when we are drinking so we don't make a mistake and text people we aren't supposed to" I smiled and nodded.

"Crackers" her friends said as she handed her the crackers, "the fuck is this, I want chicken nuggets" I laughed a little, "eat the crackers or you aren't eating anything."

"Ugh fine, Sam would have taken me to get chicken nuggets" she said and her friend nodded "eat the crackers and shut up" she rolled her eyes and looked back at me eating the crackers.

"So you wanna go on a date when you get back home, I'm sure there's a movie at the drive in" she said and I smiled, "I would love to baby, how about I call you in the morning, it's really early and I don't wanna wake any of the guys" she nodded.

"Okay, I'll miss you" I smiled, "I'll miss you too, goodnight, I love you" her smiled grew "awe I love you too."

The next morning I woke up and got dressed and ready, when it came lunch I called y/n to see her laying in bed "do you feel alright?" I asked and she giggled.

"I feel fine, I'm just tired and don't wanna move, I wish you could cuddle me" I smiled "next week I'll be able to"

"You going to come watch me skate when I get back home?" She giggled "I'd love to do that but see when the sun gets too hot I melt" I smiled and laughed "really" she nodded "but we can stay in the house where the ac is and watch Netflix" she said while giggling.

"That sounds fun too" I said, "great so we'll do that instead of anything else" I laughed and nodded, "Okay baby, Netflix it is"

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