When I woke there were a group of my family gathered around my bed. "Happy birthday!" They cried when I opened my eyes. "Thank you!" I said back because I had completely forgotten today was my birthday. The kitchen table was stacked with presents and there were more presents sitting on the chairs. "Every family wanted to say thank you and happy birthday." Mother said as I gaped. I had normally only gotten a few presents. 10 tops. But this was crazy!

I opened the present from mother and Jaylee and it was a trophy saying, 'World's bravest girl!' "Thank you!" I cried when I opened it. Birthday and presents were a very emotional thing. I opened the card from Penny and it had a picture of a cheater on it. The caption read, "Your brain works faster than a cheater could run". I smiled at the card and opened the present. It was a new hat. The hat was yellow with a pink bow on it. She had the money to get me something from this years (1977's) trend.

I opened several other presents and started writing a lot of thank you notes to the families who had sent me presents. Throughout the rest of the days I had opened about half of the presents and that night before I fell asleep I still had a lot of present piled on the bedside tables next to me and on the kitchen table. And I dreamed of tomorrow.

I sat in silence in my room reading the letter I had just received.

Dear Miss Elizabeth of 39 Brownlow road,

We would like to inform you that your house is up for sale because of your bills not being paid for a month. Please pack your things and move in the next month.


Mrs. Emmeline Lone of the real estate.

I was aware that my lips were parted in outrage and that there was a frown on my face. My mother came in brandishing a letter as well. "I checked!" She yelled, "The only month I didn't pay the bill was when our entire country was bought and then there was no POINT!" Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I answered it and Penny was standing there. "The entire country got the letter saying they had to move because we didn't pay the bills." She cried when she saw me. "Did you get one?" I just nodded shocked to silence.

I had an idea and it took root and lots of little idea saplings started shooting up creating a whole chain of ideas. Bang, bang, bang! I looked at Penny and said very seriously, "I'm taking this to court. Come help me if you want." Penny looked up at me with a grin on her face. "I shall help you if that's what you wish." And I smiled and beckoned her inside.

I got out my nicest letter writing paper and started to write very formally.

Dear Mrs. Lone of the real estate,

I am aware that everyone in England got a letter similar to mine about moving out. I would like to make a request to take this to court if we can't settle this by ourselves. I would like you to be ready and reply as soon as possible.


Elizabeth Abella and Pennelope Markson of England

Penny nodded at the letter after reading it herself and I got out a formal black envelope and we went to Penny's house to seal it with red wax. I sent it and hoped that it would arrive within the week. And two days later I rushed to Penny's house to open the letter with her. "3, 2, 1... OPEN!" I cried and neither of us opened it. Instead we collapsed laughing. But soon we tore it open.

Dear Miss Elizabeth and Miss Penelope,

Thank you for your letter. I wouldn't mind going to court because I know that you must move for a legal and appropriate reason. However, why do you have the money to go to court and not the money to pay your bills? I'm rather confused.

With luck,

Mrs. Lone of the countries real estate.

She was laughing at us! Penny and I stared at each other for a moment before I put on my hat and Penny grabbed hers and we set off to the lawyers. What 'Mrs. Lone' didn't know was that we didn't have to pay to go to court because we are children. My mother saw us and called me back. "Where are you going young lady?" she asked and I decided to answer truthfully. "To set a date for court Mama." I told her, "Please sew me a dress."

My mother looked at me in shock, her mouth falling open. "What? To do what?" I looked at Penny and rolled my eyes. "To set a date for court Mama. So that we can get our houses back." She just stared at me and I grabbed Penny's hand and pulled her away so we could keep walking. "Goodbye Mama." I called and didn't look back. I didn't even notice John.

John was one of the children who had been in my little group of heroes. He had helped quite a lot then and had been the only kid my age apart from Penny. But since then he had blended into the background. But as I walked away from mother I didn't even notice how he followed us. 

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