When I woke I couldn't see. It was so dark. Was the light out? Were there candles somewhere? Am I BLIND? I started panting in fear and shaking. Suddenly I noticed a candle and a box of matches in the far corner. Thankfully I wasn't blind. With shaking hands I lit the match and looked around the room.

It was as I had guessed. A hard stone room with a hard mattress a toilet and one brown wooden chair. It was prison. I felt the river of tears run down my cheeks. I heard the hollow sound of shoes against stone and a click as someone stepped into the room. They stepped into the light. It was a man he had a thick, grey beard and glasses. "You're awake." He said and I noted that he had a rough voice and when he talked one eye closed. "You will have 3 hours with your family every 2 weeks. Starting today and now." He opened the cell again and in walked my family.

I cried. I sobbed. I apologized. And I clung to my mother's dress before anyone could say a word. Jaylee came up and tried to pat me on the back but I hugged her tightly instead. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to and now I'm in JAIL! ME!" I collapsed into a shaking, crying ball on the floor. "No need to apologize darling!" My mother said and she hugged me. "Do not apologize for others foolishness!" Jaylee smiled weakly at me. "Do not." She said in a strong voice.

Oh! I'm just so scared! Please don't forget me! I've caused s- so much trouble and now I'm so lost and frightened and now I can't stop the tears! They won't stop flowing!" Mother looked at me and touched my cheek with one finger. "Then let them run. Let them flow. It's not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of having emotions and a heart. You have every right to be scared. Use your fear and turn it into something different. It's okay."

Later that night as they were leaving I cried. "Oh Mama! Oh Jaylee! Don't forget me will you! Come back in 2 weeks! Please!" They nodded and Jaylee said something inaudible with a smile and a wave. And then they disappeared. Leaving me to the lonely prison. Congratulations Elizabeth, mastermind, plotter, criminal. You've done it! Your first real prison cell before you even turned 18. I sighed. Yes... Well done me.

I lay down on the hard mattress and lay there trying to adjust my body so I wasn't lying on any broken springs. I rubbed my eyes and lay in silence. The roof was painted a pale green and it had many flies stuck in the paint and there were lots of paint bubbles. There were a lot of little cracks and one really big one I thought would make the roof fall any moment. Also up there someone had obviously stood on the mattress and inscribed words. I could just see them it said. 'I shouldn't be in here. I was wrongly convicted. My diary is hidden. Sometimes the best hidden things are right under your nose.'

I looked down, there was nothing under my nose. I stood on the bed. It definitely said 'under your nose' I frowned. I looked at the stone floor. I studied the floor for diaries or writing but I couldn't see anything. The only writing was a small thing saying who made the room. It said J.S. Nose. Nose....hmm... Right under your nose... I wonder... I saw that there was an outline of a panel under it. I smiled and pulled up the panel. There was a small dust covered white leather book. I opened it up and began to read.

My name is Anna Tone and I was imprisoned wrongly. They sentenced me to jail because someone stole something and I was close at the time. I don't steal. It wasn't me. No one knows I have this book and I only write in it at night. Under the covers. Whoever is reading this is going to find out the truth. Whether it's just me. Or someone else. I don't do much during the days here. They are long and boring. Food is sent through a small hatch on the door but sometimes they like to parade us around the dining hall in front of important people. Then we will sit in our cells for an hour until 10:00 which is when we go out for a run around. After that we go back to our cells and wait for lunch. After lunch we sit in our cells until dinner when they take us to the dining room again.

I want to be free. I want my family. My husband. My children. They took me from them all. I miss them so much. They only visit me for 3 hours a fortnight and it breaks my heart. Sierra is my oldest child then there is Jake (my only son) then there is Kiera who is my youngest. My husband is Alexander which means figure of power. I will continue soon. Time for dinner. Let me guess is it... Soggy sandwiches?

It was soggy sandwiches. They are sandwiches but they are wet. They are soggy because someone complained that they were too dry before. So now they are wet. I heard a rumor that you can talk to people through the walls if you yell loud enough. Also there is a small gap where you can send messages on paper. I want to communicate with someone. This is my best chance... IT WORKED! I ripped out a page of this notebook and sent it through! It worked! They replied! I am so happy.

Oh my gosh. The person next to me is an old lady who is dying. She knows a few things about this jail and the people here. She said that soon they will be swapping everyone's cells around. They said this is because of their new recruit (a young boy) wants to put someone new in this cell. They say this is the strongest cell and that they want to put a young girl named Elizabeth in here for plotting against the government. Elizabeth if you are reading this I wish you well. The boy himself has a dark history though. It is too fresh in my mind right now I will say the history soon.

Ok. I am ready. The boy (John is his name) had all of his relatives sent to jail. He made lies up about them which got them sent to jail. He did this so he could be the sole heir to the family fortune. But he didn't get it. There was one problem. There was still one relative who he hadn't disposed of. This person he could not get rid of though as he didn't know who they are so he came to work as an undercover police making up lies about people and making them seem guilty to a crime they didn't commit so everyone suspect will be out of the picture.

They are moving me to the cell next door. Whoever is reading this just rip a page of this notebook out and write my name with a question mark. If they reply with a tick next to their name it will be me. Best wishes to you all. Good luck Elizabeth. 

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