Last Sacrifice (my version)

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Murder. Love. Jealousy. And the ultimate sacrifice. Now, with Rose on trial for her life and Lissa first in line for the Royal Throne, nothing will ever be the same between them.


I was now sitting in Dimitri's old cell. I was a prisioner and the idea that I might be exicuted, just made me shiver with fear. I brought my knees closer to my chest and dipped my head, letting my long almost black hair cover my face.

The letter was on the top of my mind, I don't even know it was her - Tatiana - who sent it but it was the best thing I had. I suddenly had the choice of letting my guard down and asking Tatiana her self but I couldn't bring my self to do it. Everytime I thought about happened, my breath got caught in my chest.

I was on trial for my life, and he tretened everyone, Lissa, Dimitri and of course the missing Dragomir.

I was so bored, I looked out into the corridor where there was a guardian that I didn't reconise. Would he think I was crazy if I just started talking to air? He probably would just freak out and think that I killed Tatian because I'd lost mind. BUT I DIDN'T KILL HER.

This was so frustrating. I could feel Lissa's saddness leaking though the bond I guess I had nothing else to so I could just be her for a few minutes.

"I have to go see her Christian. I can't belive this is happening," Lissa's voice was pleading, but both of us knew Christian could do nothing to help.

"Lissa you know they won't let anyone talk to her, they think she might get out," Christian just stared out the window, trying not to get caught up in Lissa's worries.

Rose, Rose are you there, I hope your all right I'm missing you. I wish this bond worked both ways then I could comfort her and lie and say everything was going to be alright.

I snapped back into my head, back to the dark cold room. I had to do it - let my guard down that is. I had to see Tatiana. I closed my eyes and took in a few deep breaths. In my head I moved and invisible barrier away, I knew I had suceded when I felt a headache creeping around my head and my vision go blurry.

"Tatiana, I need to speak to you," I whispered to the empty cell. I had a quick glance at the guard he didn't seen to notice.

Suddenly she appeared "Rose what's wrong," Her vocie sounded just the same as it had when she was alive.

"How can you speak, that's meant to be really hard to do - or at least immpossible," I asked her, my voice rising.

"It's complicated, Rose, what did you want."

"Did you write that letter about the Dragomir's," she nodded, "Who killed you," I was really desperate to find out who it was.

"Well Rose thats the hard part you see, it was you, but it wasn't you, this must sound very weird I know but I can't explain it. She was identical, but you looked like a strigoi and you were ghost like, you kept fadding in and out of form and thats why the guardians to my room couldn't stop you, you formed in thin air."

When she finshed I turned my head away from her and kept repeating what she had said in my head, trying to make sense of it. "Tatiana are you sure it was me, because this me your looking at didn't kill you, I swear," I tried to sound as honest as possible with out my shock coming though.

"I'm sorry Rose, I must go, and I know what I saw," with that she left.

The room went silent and I felt my body shake, then suddenly I collased back on the hard mattress. Life just became ten times harder.


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