Last Sacrifice (my version) Part 4

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"Rose don't say anything crazy please," Zmey eyed me with warning.

"Fine" I said and clenched my teeth together.

I sat in the courtroom, like last time, it was completly packed.

Seconds turned into minutes, and I was no closer to being free. Abe had done everything in his power but there was no escaping the evidence. "Now Miss Hathaway you can have you last pled to the court." I gasped shocked that she said that, even if it was true.

I walked up to the stand, and then I just had a blank. This was so annoying, I was about to face everyone and my head had to go and forget everything and have a little freak out. I was about to say the last thing that could possibly change my futurea and I froze, unbelievable. My gaze locked onto Lissa and I suddenly had strenght to fight again.

"I didn't do it okay. I know none of you believe me because I have nothing to prove it, but I just ....I, "I didn't know how to finish that sentence but then suddenly I didn't have to.

A woman screemed and then I heard gasps and saw shocked faces, but they wern't looking at me, they were looking at the girl standing next to me.

"What is this Rose? How is she doing that? Is it real?" They all screamed, but I bloacked it out and only concentrated on one thing, the killer standing next to me an evil smile on her face.

"Hi Rose, nice to see you again," she said as she reached forward and held my neck, trying to choke me. I didn't have time to react as I felt the life being sucked out of me.

The guardians next to the judge raced up and tried to stop her but she just smiled and evil smile and laughed, no one could touch her.

The room went dark and I heard screams and I felt nauseas. Not good. There were strigoi in the court, but they wern't like the other me, this time they were the real deal. The guardians pulled out their stakes ready to kill. Luckly there was only five, easy but the room was still very dark and I couldn't see to the back of the courtroom, plus there was lots of moroi in the room.

"This is your chance Rose, run, go on run," she laughed at me. This Rose, she nothing like me - she was evil, pure evil. But she had made a way for me to escape, so maybe she was tying to do the best for me, but I doubted it.

I didn't need to be told twice. I ran for my life. I ran to the gate where I was stopped.

"What are you doing, hey wait, your Hathaway you ment to be on trial," the guardian moved towards me, I had to act quick. "There are strigoi in the courtroom, I was sent to get you," I replied, my head racing.

"Oh, kay then, come with though."

Damn, my plan failed. Ihad to do tis the hard way, I clenched my fist and punched him in the nose. I was out the gate before he could call for help.


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