Chapter 1

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There was a queue of people at the Jitters coffee shop, waiting patiently to order coffee. Amongst those people was Iris West. She stood in a direct manor as she ravaged through her purse. As she removed the red leather wallet from her purse, her fingers slipped from her grasp making the wallet stumble and hit the ground. A handsome stranger standing in front of her had noticed this income and had reached down to extract the wallet. Um, excuse me. I think maybe you've dropped this.  He turned around to face Iris. His voice was appealing and husky. Oh, thank you so much. Iris smiled as she took the wallet from the handsome stranger. She bought her coffee and went on her way.

Iris West was on her way to a job interview at Allen Corp.
It's a quarter to two when she arrives, greatly relieved that she's not late as she walks through the enormous and frankly intimidating lobby. Behind a solid sandstone desk, a very attractive, groomed blonde young woman smiles pleasantly at Iris. Can I help you? She says. I'm Iris West, I'm here to see Mr Allen.  Excuse me one moment, miss West she raises her eyebrow slightly as Iris stands self-consciously before her. She had made an effort and had worn a blue skirt, her sensible brown knee length boots and a pink shirt. She tucks one of her escaped tendrils behind her ear. You're expected. Please sign in here, miss West. You'll want the last elevator on the right, press for the tenth floor. She smiles kindly at Iris, amused no doubt, as she signs in. She hands Iris a security pass that has visitor very firmly stamped on the front. Thanking her, Iris walks over to the bank of elevators past the 2 security men.

The elevator whisks her with terminal velocity to the tenth floor. The doors slide open, and she's in another large lobby. Iris is confronted by a guy with  long hair who greets her. Miss West, could you wait here, please? He points to a seated area of white leather chairs. Iris sits downs, the uncertainty is galling, and her nerves resurface, making  her fidget. A brown haired woman comes out of a large door to the right. Taking a deep breath, Iris stands up. Miss West? The brown haired girl asks. Yes, Iris croaks, and clears her throat. Mr Allen will see you in a moment. Have you been offered any refreshment? Um,no. Iris shakes her head. The brown haired girl frowns and eyes the guy with the long hair. Would you like tea, coffee, water?she asks, turning her attention back to Iris. A glass of water. Thank you, Iris murmurs. Cisco, please fetch Miss West a glass of water. Her voice is stern. Cisco scoots up immediately and scurries to a door on the other side of the foyer. My apologies, Miss West, Cisco is our new intern. Please be seated. Mr Allen will be another 5 minutes. Cisco returns with a glass of water. Here you go, Miss West. Thank you. Iris said, taking the water. The brown haired girl walks over to a large desk, she sits down, and they both continue their work. The office door opens and Mr Allen departs from the door. Mr Allen will see you now, Miss West. Do go through, the brown haired girl said. Iris stands rather shakily trying to suppress her nerves. Gathering up her things, she abandons her glass of water and makes her way to the partially open door. You don't need to knock, just go in, the brown haired girl smiles kindly. Iris pushed opened the door, and stumbles through, tripping over her own feet and falling head first into the office. She's on her hands and knees in the doorway to Mr Allen's office, and gentle hands are around her, helping her to stand. She felt so embarrassed, she didn't know what to do. It's you,  You're the girl from the coffee shop. I can't believe it. He says, remembering the encounter they had at Jitters. He extends a long fingered hand to Iris once she's upright. I'm Barry Allen. Are you alright,would you like to sit? So young and attractive, very attractive. He's tall, dressed in a fine brown suit and a blue shirt. He wore black glasses with unruly brownish auburn hair and intense, green eyes that regarded Iris shrewdly. It takes a moment for Iris to  find her voice. In a daze, she places her hand in his and they shake. As their fingers touch, Iris feels an odd exhilarating shiver run through her. She withdraws her hand hastily, embarrassed. Must be static. She blinks rapidly, her eyelids matching her heart rate.

And you are? His voice is warm, possibly amused, but it's difficult to tell from his impassive expression. He looks mildly interested, but above all, polite. Oh, Iris West. Iris said. Would you like to sit? Barry pulls out another chair which was pushed into another table. He cocks his head to one side as he begins to ask the questions. When Iris plucks up the courage to look at him, he's watching her, one hand relaxed in his lap and the other cupping his chin and trailing his long index finger across his lips.

So, um, why should I hire you? Um, well, I'm determined, I'm a hard worker and there's nothing I can't do. Iris said with confidence. I like your style, I like your confidence. We need more people like you. You know what? You're hired. Barry said. Are you serious? Iris had a surprised look on her face. Welcome to Allen Corp. Barry said as they shook hands. You'll start first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you Mr Allen, I wont let you down. Iris said. Let's hope not. Barry smiles, revealing perfect white teeth.

Thank you again, Iris says.
The pleasure's all mine, Barry says, politely. As Iris rises, he stands and holds out his hand. Until we meet again, Miss West. Mr Allen. Iris nods at him as he walks with her. Just ensuring you make it through the doorway, Miss West. He gives Iris a small smile. Obviously, he's referring to Iris's earlier less than elegant entry into his office.  Haha very funny. Iris says, sarcastically with a smile. Barry escorts Iris to the foyer. Caitlin and Cisco both look up equally, surprised. Barry places his hands for a  moment on Iris's shoulders. His finger pressing the buttons summoning the elevator, and they stood waiting. The doors open and Iris get in. His burning green eyes gaze at her. It was nice meeting you Miss West, he says as a farewell.  Nice meeting you too. Iris replies and the doors close.

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