You Know What I Mean [pt.1]

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A random name x you story


"See ya!" Waving to my coworker as my shift for the day had finally come to an end. 

I didn't particularly hate my job as it does pay for the bills perfectly fine but working in customer service somehow allows customers to be snobby entitled people. 

Ready to get home to pop open a bottle of wine, my handbag swings out and whacks into the person walking the opposite direction of me.

"Shit, sorry about th- Sharon?" I apologise to only meet eyes with an old school friend. 

"Oh my god, is that really you Ms. Bolton?" She gasps and hugs me tightly. 

As much as I roll my eyes at the bad nickname, I hug her back as reuniting with her was long overdue.

"You know I hate that nickname Ronnie." I huff in pretend annoyance. She chuckled as she released one arm around my shoulder. 

"Oh come on! I thought you'd like to be married to Troy Bolton considering how obsessed you were with High School Musical." Groaning at my first celebrity crush, I nudge the side of her stomach.

"I'm not the same ten year old girl Ronnie."

She smiles and points out in the distance, "Then why don't you come grab dinner with me and catch me up to speed on your dating life?" 

It wasn't long till she we found a restaurant to have dinner for the both of us to catch up. It felt so natural to talk about our years apart about ourselves. In full honesty, it had been way too long since I've felt this fluttering sensation in my chest when I saw Sharon smile or laugh at something I said.

We must have spoken for so long that we finally noticed that we were the only ones left in the restaurant.

"Let's go back to mine to talk more." Sharon suggested as we stood up from our seats.

Since I didn't want this talk with Sharon to end, I agreed as she drove us to her house. Once we got to her house, we settled for a glass of wine and reminisced about our past at school. 

"Okay but you actually made me cry!" I whined as she threw her head back in laughter.

"Oh come on. I even apologised to you the next day with a card AND I cried apologising too!" I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but smile.

At school, I wore my glasses in class and Sharon had called me an old grandma. Obviously it was to tease me but little ol' me was a huge cry baby so of course I cried. Sharon didn't say anything until the teacher made her apologise. The next day, she came to me with a card and was teary as she said sorry.

"Those were some fun times huh?" I smiled as she poured herself another glass.

She didn't reply back to me as she chugged that entire glass down in a second. Going for another glass, I reach out and pause her hand from pouring more.

"Alright, maybe you should lay off the drinking for a bit."

Shaking her head at me in the most adorable way. I chuckle but sternly hold my ground, "C'mon Ronnie, let's get you to bed."

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