posting this cause I ain't gon finish it (What's Mine, Is Mine)

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Warning: Problably Character Death, Gore

I silently watch as he walks to school. Oh, he’s so cute. I really can’t help it. I walk past him, bumping into his shoulder. Oh my god, I just touched his shoulder! Sadly I can’t fanboy about it right now. I have to keep up the act. “Watch it, Deku.” I say. I see him tremble in fear. “Y-yes Kacchan.” Oh jesus. I love it when he crumbles in front of me. Only I can do this to him. Only me.

I continue walking to school and I arrive. I walk to my “friends”. “Hey, Bakubro!” What the fuck did this boy just call me. I look at him in disgust. “Don’t call me that.” He kept smiling. “Okay Bakubro- I mean Bakugou.” I shove it off, at least he corrected himself.

I open the classroom door. My eyes met with my adorable Deku. I smirked and walked to my seat. Kirishima and Denki walked up to me. “Hey, Katsuki.” I looked at Denki. “Hey, Pikachu.” I will never say their real name. I don’t want them to get the wrong idea. They start talking about crap that I don't care about. My eyes drifted to Deku. He was talking to that damn canadian flag. I scrunch up my face. Clearly jealous, but I will never admit that.

Deku was smiling around him. He was smiling. I didn't like that. I hate it. That smile is only for me. Me. Me. Me. Me. I have to get rid of him. Get rid of him. That f(luff)ing bastard. I turn my back. “Hey, Bakugou, you never answered my question.” I roll my eyes. “Repeat it.” The one with s(wift)y hair straightened his back. “Are you coming to the party?” I lean back in my chair. “What party?” Denki scoffed. “The one that Mina’s hosting. Everyone is invited and I’m pretty sure everyone is going to go. Also it’s a costume party.” Great just great. Wait this is really good. Everyone is going, so one, I can kidnap that adorable Deku of mine, or two, I can get rid of that Half-n-Half b(ird). I don’t want to go to fast with Deku and scare him so I decided I will get rid of that Icy-Hot b(ird).

*dramatic time-skip*

I was done getting ready for this shitty party. Of course I look hot as f(luff). I’m wearing a tuxedo with a mask that covers my entire face. The colors are mostly black and blood red.

I step out my house and go into the ally that’s in between Deku’s and my house. I silently climb over the fence and step into his backyard. Ah, it’s so peaceful back here. They have two big trees in their backyard. And because I’m lucky as f(luff), one of them is right next to Deku’s window and his window curtain is open. I quickly but quietly climb the tree. I sit silently as he gets dressed. I love this show. I get to see his toned back. His fluffy hair. And I’m the first one to see his costume. He’s going as one adorable, sexy bunny. He is so lucky that I have other plans tonight or else his a(sh) would be mine.

I jump out of the tree, landing on a branch. I quickly dive into the darkness as I see him look out the window with a worried expression He closed his curtains. I sigh and hop over his fence.

*lazy time-skip*

I arrive at this shitty party, not talking to anyone because I don’t want anybody to know who I am. I see that half-n-half bastard dressed up as some vampire, talking to MY Deku. I shrivel my nose in disgust. He says something and walks away.


“I’ll be back, Midoriyah. I have to use the restroom.” I turn away, looking for the bathroom. Peoples bodies pushed against mine so I push them back. I walk into a hallway, assuming that the restroom is this way. None off the lights are on, just some colorful party lights. So it was kinda hard to find my way. I opened a door and there was a white flash. I covered my eyes and fell the floor, holding my head. “Gesh...the f(luff)?” I look up and see a masked man. He tilts his head. He pulls me up and knees me in the gut. I start up my quirk but he covers my face with a cloth and I fell into darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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