6 - Escape

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Lauren opened her eyes, immediately hit with the emotional rollercoaster that had been last night. She wondered how much longer she could take this. Hopefully the operation would be over soon. And with soon she meant tomorrow, when the big deal would be happening. She was terrified of what would happen though.

"Jesus, are you alright?"

Zayn was staring at her, looking a little shocked. "A little tired." She said.

A laugh rolled out of his mouth. "A little tired? You look like you've been-"

"Hit by a truck. Yeah I feel like that too."

She stepped into the kitchen, making herself a bowl of cereal. "Have you reported the plan back to Tom?" She asked her colleague then, who was stuck behind his laptop.

"Yes." He nodded. "The deal is happening tomorrow. It's a good thing you'll be taking Camila away from here, I have a feeling It'll be messy."

"Messy?" Lauren asked, sitting down opposite to Zayn, at the large table.

"Armando isn't just gonna give his whole emporium up."

"You're thinking it'll be a shootout?"

Zayn nodded.

"Do you think he has suspicions?"

"Not yet." Zayn said. Lauren looked at his face, seeing how his eyes looked tired as well. "But he's a smart guy. He will probably feel the tension tomorrow."

"Will all of his men be there?"

Zayn nodded, his eyes directed at the laptop once more. "Where are you and Cabello going?"

"Okaloacoochee Slough State Forest. Its a 2 hour drive or so."

"You'll spend the night somewhere, right?"

Lauren nodded. "I booked an airbnb. She doesn't know yet though."

Zayn looked up again, worried now. "How do you mean?"

"Well I just asked her to spend the day with me, not- not the night."

Zayn gave his colleague a pointed look.

"It was awkward enough Zayn. I'll just ask her later."

A smile made it's way onto Zayn's face then. "Maybe you won't have to ask." He said, wiggling his eyebrows before Lauren reached over the table and slapped his arm.

After their laughter died out, Lauren shook her head and looked down. "Zayn, what we're doing is horrible, isn't it?" She asked, guilt dripping off her words as she spoke. Zayn reached out his hand and laid it on top of hers, making her look up at him.

"It feels like that sometimes. But it is for the better, you gotta remember that."

A weird grin took over Lauren's face and she looked back down. "It doesn't feel good. At all."

"You have a thing for Cabello, huh?"

Lauren's head snapped upwards.

"Stop ignoring me about it. Just tell me the truth."

Lauren blinked a few times, wanting to lie again and tell him that he was being ridiculous. She found herself nodding instead though.

Zayn sighed. "It's toxic Lauren.. How much of you does she really know?"

Lauren fidgeted with her fingers. 'more than practically anyone' the thought to herself. "Quite a lot." She said however.

"She doesn't even know your real name."

"Neither do you." Lauren shot back at him, her green eyes staring in his. "Don't you feel like you know me?"

"I- I mean a little. You're quite the mystery."

A chuckle escaped Lauren's mouth. "Yeah, I hear that more often. Big personality trait. Listen I know that she might not know everything about me, but no one really does. The only real lies I've told her are the things that have to do with the operation and my job."

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