10 - White Dress

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Lauren had been very hesitant about restarting the operation. She hadn't spoken to Camila for a month, pretty much having gone fully off radar in order to make her forget about the whole thing. It felt horrible. She missed the girl she'd spend almost four full months with. The girl who only knew half of her, but also knew her better than anyone in the word did.

"Convince me." The green eyed woman in the room said as she was sitting at a round table with the team. Zayn looked at her, seemingly understanding her struggle, or at least pretending to do so.

"Okay so Jesy here came up with a new plan. This might be our last chance to catch Perez and his wife." Tom said, his round glasses perched up neatly on his nose. The man annoyed the shit out of Lauren and so she decided to look in Jesy's direction.

The woman, who had painted her hair a bright color of blue, nodded. "Yes. So we know that Armando and Camila are living in Cuba now. We're unable to catch them there, since it's not American ground. But I came up with a plan to lure them back here, for at least a short while."

"Jesus Christ what a build up." Lauren blurted out, annoyed by how entertained all of these people seemed to be with the situation. "Spill"

"You two are getting married." Jesy said.

Zayn's eyes widened and Lauren scoffed loudly. "Married?" Zayn choked out, quickly taking a sip of water after.

"You two will get married next Friday. You'll ask your two neighbours, good friends and.. whatevers, to come as well. You'll also tell Armando that a 'buddy' of yours is coming to make a deal with him. A deal will be taking place at the time of the wedding and the police will infiltrate and arrest Armando and the whole drug family."

A laugh escaped from Lauren's mouth. "Jesus.." She muttered.

"You think this will work?" Zayn asked. "And the boss approved of this?"

"Yes. It's our last chance." Carter, another member of the team, said.

Lauren remained quiet, she looked at how a whole plan was being pulled out by Tom, who looked utterly pleased with the situation. Some time passed and she just sat there at the table, sipping her coffee while the others talked.

"So.. are you in?"

Tom was looking at her with questioning eyes, probably because she hadn't spoken much yet. Suddenly all eyes were on her as she sat there, styrofoam coffeecup in her hand.

"I have one condition."

Tom sighed deeply. "And what might that be?"

Lauren had a short moment of eye-contact with Zayn. "Camila Cabello stays out of it."

A stressed chuckle escaped from Tom's mouth. "W-What do you mean?"

"Camila Cabello has never admitted to being a part of Armando's drug family." Zayn spoke up, much to Lauren's surprise. "There's no evidence against her."

"She's his wife." Tom said, smiling frantically.

"Cam- Mrs Cabello isn't a part of any of the drug deals. Never has been. I'll only join the plan if she won't be arrested."

Tom sighed and shoved his glasses further up onto his nose. "I- I don't know if I can-"

"Then there's no deal. No plan." Lauren said, placing both of her hands onto the table as she was about to get up.

"W-Wait." Tom said then. "I'm- I'm sure I can manage to.. work around Mrs. Cabello." He said, looking Lauren straight into her eyes. "But if there turns out to be any evidence against her anyway. If it turns out she's been dealing as well, she's being arrested anyway. And you two will be in big trouble." He said in one breath.  "Are you sure about this?"

Lauren swallowed and looked over to Zayn shortly. Was she sure of Camila's innocence? No. Was she ready to take her own career down for her? Yes. She nodded her head yes and Zayn did the same.

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