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Seeing as I'm 13 years old, I began to ask my parents questions. Apparently, my parents know that i was gay BEFORE I TOLD THEM!! Shocking, I know. They began to tell me parts of my childhood that I don't remember. They told me that they knew I was gay when I was 6 YEARS OLD!!! LIKE WHAT THE HECK!! They told me that I had been around a lot of guys when I was younger and that they were all my friends. They knew because of how I describe the girls in my class with such detail. Another thing was that when I was 9, I always kept complaining that I'll never get a man in the future and about how I was never going to get married to a man when I grew up. They both had a thought convergence "She's gonna grow up to be gay" they thought. That's all I have for this one. May the triforce be with you and I will see you in the next one. Buh-bye.


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