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So y'all have probably here of gay panic right? If not, gay panic is when a homosexual starts fangirling/fanboying on an extreme level over someone/something they may have a crush on. 9/10 that person is a fictional character.

So me and my gay ass had the opposite. I had a straight panic. Straight panic is when a homosexual starts freaking out over someone of the opposite gender. Again 9/10 that person may be fictional.

With that said, I had a gay panic and a straight panic. My gay panic was over Mei from overwatch because she was just being SO CUTE AND ADORABLE!!😍😍

My straight panic was over Loki. Yup you read right. Loki Laufeyson of Asguard. This reason being because I saw a compilation of Loki being sassy and ADORABLE at the same time. It also didn't make the fact that after I watched that I read some Loki x reader by nekoamamori and I was squealing so hard at how much of a soft boi Loki was being. My boyfriend is soft but not that soft.

I had to rant about this cuz I'm gonna forget about it sooner or later. I just leave now. Sleep is calling my name. May the triforce be with you and I'll see you in the next one. Buh-bye.


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