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Hello, my wonderful children. As the official first day of pride month, let the WAVES OF GAY SHIT WASH OVER ME AS I READ THE WONDERFUL WORKS!!!! I'm writing a book that's filled with pride one-shots. There is gonna be a chapter every day. I also have it on my Tumblr if you wanna be there. 

I'm gonna get a little serious for a second. There have been children that have been forced out of their homes or not accepted in their homes for their sexuality or their gender preference. If there are any people out there that have experienced this, or not, I am now your parent. You need to talk, PM me. It doesn't even have to be serious. It can be as simple as a "Hello, how are you doing". Just know that I'm here. I can be your mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, whatever you need, I'll be there.

Now that we got all of the seriousness out of the way, I just want to say, enjoy this month of being who you are. Raise your flag as high as you can to show, not only to others, but to yourself that you are proud to be you.

I myself am proud to be a pansexual non-binary. That's it for this chapter. I hope you enjoy this pride month and many more that will happen. May the Triforce be with you and I'll see you in the next one. Buh-bye.


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