February stained Red

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I smiled. For the first time I smiled. I looked at him with wide eyes as I tip-toed for a kiss. But... It never came. When I opened my eyes, he had one eyebrow up and a smug smile plastered on his face. "Seriously? What, like i'd like a girl like you." I dropped to the floor. "H-huh?" I lifted my head, staring at him with sorrowful eyes. "You may be pretty, you may be popular, but there NO WAY I'd EVER go out with YOU." He emphasized, oh GOD, he emphasized. My head dropped. The depths of hell was about to pull me from underneath, but I begged, I begged for mercy.

Hi. Im Trinity Cooper. You may not understand, but I died just a few days ago. I know, I know, it might sound weird, but it happened. I was walking on the streets of Manhattan with my Mother while listening to my ipod. We were on a vacation visiting my "sick aunt", but I actually lived in Canada. Track 7, Snooty Cheerleaders. Apparently, my volume was too loud and I didn't notice the green light. There was a truck that was going at 67 km. p/h. SPEEDING!!! My mom was texting so she didn't notice I kept walking. And yes, of course... I was saved. Haha, you just thought I died because of a truck accident, did you? Well, I was saved by some person I didn't know, by means of pushing me to the side, still on the street. I got hit by a car. I see the person also died because of the truck. Seriously, what is wrong with people these days. Drunk, was he? Don't care.

I was a bad person all my life. Picking on Sarah Joe, the new girl. Sleeping with different guys every other night. Stealing... You get the picture. So, Heaven decided to give me to hell. I begged, and begged them, not to take me and bring me back. Soooo, Mr. Lucifer over there decided to give me another chance. 365 days from now, I have to get the guy I like to fall in love with me, kiss me, and live happily ever after. But then... I DON'T EVEN LIKE ANYONE...

I walked, drooping shoulders, looking around the streets of Toronto. I sighed as couples passed by. Its been 12 days since I died, February 1st. I've been grabbing some random guys, spending some time with them, then confessing to them. So far, 7 hot guys rejected me, 3 nerds accepted but I couldn't do it, and one 3-year old confessed to me how pretty my hair is. "I'm Hommee...." I shouted, like anyone would answer. For now, I live alone, and my family doesn't know Im alive. I looked into the mirror. My reflection wasn't seen... SHOCKING. No, I'm not a vampire, okay. I've read twilight, not a big fan. If I was, I would be squealing at how I'm so much like Edward and not worry about having to find a guy by the end of the February next year, 2011. It was Feb. 12, 2010, and I was alone sitting on the dining table of the HUMONGOUS apartment Mr. L decided to give me. Rich bastard. I decided to take a walk in the freezing cold. Like I ever cared on how cold it is in this country. threw on my White trench coat of my Velvet Red dress and tights. On the way out, I stuffed my pale feet into the Red boots Mr. L bought me just recently. Yet again, RICH BASTARD. I covered my lips with red lipstick, let my Red hair down, and went on.

I walked, and walked. It looked like I didn't know what the hell I was doing. True that. I was just walking hoping some hot awesome guy suddenly sweeps me off my feet and brings me back to life. I dozed off... When I opened my eyes and saw a brown figure running away. My vision became clear again, and I noticed I wasn't holding my bag anymore. "What?" I saw the brown figure. It was a homeless man, who had stolen my bag. My eyes widened. Inside that bag is the elixir that I drink to keep my form... Oh no. I ran as fast as I could to catch up with him. "HEY! EXCUSE ME! THAT'S MY BAG!" I shouted, my high-heeled boots made my feet ache, oh God am I tired. "AGH!!!!!" I shouted, making everyone look at me. "Its over." I went into a state of depression. If I don't drink that every now and then, I'll disappear, and I don't get to stay anymore. Bye Bye Trinity. I sighed and stood up, not like that Iphone was special to me anyway... I sniffed. OF COURSE IT WAS SPECIAL. The only thing I had to run away, to run far awaaaaay. BUT NOOOO, THE GUY TOOK IT. HE JUST TOOK IT. Seriously. I could still see him, running... Another figure was following. Just a for a few seconds, I thought it would be a guy... Chasing him... Getting my bag back... My vision blurred and i fell unto the ground.

"Hey... Miss?" I opened my eyes. I was lying on the most comfortable bed in my life. It was color Yellow, too bright for my eyes. I looked up and saw a guy, at least. My vision cleared and I saw him. OMG. What, is it really happening? "Oh, Im sorry for just bringing you here. When I came back after getting your bag back, I saw you on the floor with people around you." He gave me a smile. "O-oh? Really? Okay..." I lifted myself from the bed. I fainted because it was the supposed time I drank the elixir, how can I still be alive? "Oh, wheres my bag?" I worried, I wonder if Mr. L gave me a chance, and once I wake up, I have to drink it. But no... I don't think he's that nice. "Oh, Im sorry... There was this pill bottle inside, and I thought it was your medication, so I let you drink it... If it wasn't, Im terribly sorry!" He shouted, bowing his head in shame. "No, its fine. Actually, you saved my life, thank you!" I gave him a fake smile. Sooooooo not my type. "U-um, actually..." He stuttered. I looked at him for a few min. He didn't do anything but mumble a few syllables to himself. "Okay... Im leaving then. Thanks for everything." I smiled again, stood up, and walked to the door. "W-wait!" I heard him shout. I turned around and looked at him. He looked totally cool, such a waste. "W-whats your name?" he asked. "Oh, It's Trinity, Trinity Cooper."

I opened the door which lead me to another room. "Huh? What is this?" It seemed like a really big house. I found myself looking though hundreds of doors until I finally found something that seemed like the exit. FINALLY. I was in an alley around back where some street cats stayed. I looked up, it seemed like a never ending roof. I walked out front... Oh... My... God... THE HOUSE WAS HUGE, WTF IS THIS?!

I looked at it with disbelief. What is this. What happened?

I walked to the near end street for a cab. It seemed like all the cabs were ignoring me... I'd pull my hand up and no one would bother to stop. What, is my charm really slowly fading away? Well, I don't mind, just get me out of this place. Finally, an odd-looking cab stopped in front of me. The window rolled down and inside was a guy dressed in black. His face was covered by a hat, so I didn't know what he looked like. "Hey Missy, going anywhere?" His voice almost sounded like it was laughing in a way... "O-oh, no I'm not." I quickly put my hand down. "Don't worry, Missy. I'll take you to anywhere you want to go." He cackled and insisted. I was weak and went anyway. From behind, all I could see his mouth. It was like a smile was plastered on his face, permanently. "Where to?" he said without lifting his head. "O-oh... R-rainthford st., Wallaby." I was scared/nervous. I felt like he was a serial killer. Lol, CEREAL KILLER. I giggled. "Whats so funny, Missy?" He laughed again, now its just getting creepy. I didn't reply. Slowly... I felt myself... slowly falling asleep...

"Missy, we're here!" I woke up to the sound of that awful voice. "O-oh, thank you." I weakly smiled and went on my way. "C-creepy..."

By the door, I saw a person standing by. "Excuse me?" I asked, looking a bit afraid. "Ms. Trinity!"

February stained RedWhere stories live. Discover now