Chapter 2

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First Day of school

I woke up to the sound of ringing, then I realized it's my alarm going off.


I drag my body out of bed and wash my face and body in the sink, not really having the energy to take a shower.

I straighten my long blonde hair and then tied it at the back of my head in a pony tail.

I might as well look at least decent. I put on a band t-shirt and some slight skinny jeans with my vans. I quickly texted Kiara saying to pick me up today since I have no car, at all.

I grabbed my tie-dye backpack and my phone walking downstairs to breakfast.

My mom was rushing setting the table mumbling curse words under her breath as she did so.

"Good morning mom" I said cautiously, scared she'll flip out on me. She wore black dress pants, small black heels and white dress shirt and a blazer that matched, her hair was all pinned up on her head and her baby hairs fell down the side of her face.

"Morning honey, mind seating the table? I'm running late for work." She rushed out.

I nodded and took the food out of her hands setting food on each plate.

Sometimes I wonder for her. She works as a college professor, at NYU. I have no idea what she teaches. but I do know that's where she went to college and my dad, that's how they met.

Speaking of him he came rushing down all suited up, "Morning family, about to be out!" he shouted and pecked my cheek and my moms walking out the front door, when he opened it Kiara walked in.

"Morning Mr & Mrs. Mills" she beamed and my dad just nodded at her and rushed passed.

After setting the table Cameron and Amy came down to eat, I grabbed some toast and a bottle of orange juice following Kiara out the door.


Nelson High School

Kiara and I are looking up at the sign on our school, reading 'Welcome Back Nelson Eagles'.

I watch as Jocks, and cheerleaders laugh among their group. The goths and emo's are even smiling, the gamer boys are sat on benches playing well.. games. The gays and lesbians are wearing rainbow shirts showing their gay pride, which I respect. and then the bad gang, not the jocks or cheerleaders... the ones that got themselves in trouble half the time. Well Liam Samuels, the leader of the whole, 'bad gang' was the one who stood out most to me

He had his arm wrapped around some girl I remember from last year, her pretending to blush while he barely pays her attention.

He's wearing a black and grey baseball shirt with black skinnies that hung a little low and combat boots. His hair is all spiked up on his hair as if he ran his hand through it too many times and he's talking to his friends showing his adorable dimple.

"Got the hots for Samuels?" Kiara teases from beside me, I quickly look away and heat rises to me cheeks.

"What? psssh, no!" I shutter. She chuckles and pulls us to our 'gang' ..the nerds.

Kiara isn't like us. One bit. I have no idea why she hangs with us.

"Why do you hang with us? shouldn't you be with the normals over there." I pointed to the parking lot where a bunch of boys and girls are playing music and bobbing their heads.

"Yeah, but it's the first day. I want to spent it with you."

I smiled and the bell ranged signaling us to head to our first period, which was biology for me. luckily I have it with Kiara.

We don't have our lockers yet but we'll get them tomorrow so class will be 3 minutes longer than usual.

We walked to the junior hall and head all the way down to room 139 and walk inside, again our school is sorted by social groups, just like our class desks.

Liam's gang all the way in the back near the left side of the room, while the back right are for jocks and cheerleaders.

The middle left is for normal kids, such as Kiara and the middle right were for the hippies.

And finally the front were for the geeks,nerds,losers, etc.

I sat in the front, and surprisingly Kiara sat in the middle left. What happen to 'its the first day I'll spent it with you'?!

I ignored the fact that she sat back there instead of near me and played on my phone until the teacher came in.

After about 2 minutes the class was filled and the teacher came in, she was a small women, like in height and in weight. She stood about 5"5 and had long brown hair that probably just passes the back of her bra. She had very thin lips that were in a line form and she had freckles. Her blue eyes sparkle in the light on the ceiling with her over plucked eyebrows.

"Good morning, Eagles! I'm your bio teacher, of course. My name is Ms.Winters but I go by Ms.W." she spoke with a very loud and proud voice, one that I wouldn't dare to do in front of a class full of obnoxious teenage kids.

"First I'll call roll and I want you to say 'here' before we get into the boring stuff about school rules." she stated and I couldn't help but smile a little.

As she went down the list I pulled out a piece of paper and started sketching things like flowers. I only draw when I'm bored.

"Kiera Brown?" Ms.W shouts.

"It's Kee-air-a (Kiara) and I'm here" Kiara says from the back.

Ms.W nods and continues reading down the list, "Taylor Mills?"

"here.." I say in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

"Taylor Mills?" she repeats.

I raise my hand and she nods my way and writes something down again.

There were about 10 other kids name she said before she got to one that made my blood become cold, "Liam Samuels? Is he here?" she asks.

Why was he in this class? Why. Why. Why!

"Right here!" he said, everyone-even me- turned to the back of the class to Liam, He caught my eye and winked my way, I quickly turned back around feeling the heat rush to my face.

"Good to know everyone is here." she stated standing up from her desk. "now school rules... let's talk about dress code ladies and gentlemen.."

I kinda blocked her out after those words left her mouth.


Okay so Glad you read to chapter 2.

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