Chapter 2 Neighbours

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*knock knock knock*
                 Cappella's POV
I opened the door not knowing what to expect but it turns out it was one of our neighbours
They introduced themselves as ice cube,
Ice cube frost
She used to be friends with book. Book used to be in my school. Also she was well i guess just chill and kind she used to be in pencils alliance but left as she saw it as unhealthy they ruined her life in many ways.
It got so bad she had to move here sadly it gave her anxiety and she began to change just before I heard that she is back to normal though. But barely holding it together. Ice cube seemed to stutter at that name a little bit. I don't know why but she very so slightly flustered at it as if something was up.
"Are you okay?" I asked
"Wh...wha...what me I'm okay it's just it's a long story and we only just met" ice cube replied
"It's just I've been through a lot I have trust issues"
Ice cube added on after a few seconds.
"What do you mean?" I asked trying super hard not to be rude.
"Listen I was said I can't tell anyone I can't trust so I'm sorry but I can't say" Ice cube responded knowing I was trying not to offend
"Well do you wanna hang out anytime soon?"
"Well I might as well see if you're a potential friend or not" Ice cube quickly responded trying to sound casual but failing miserably.
Shortly after that ice cube walked off and I have school in a little while but before she left I blurted out "By any chance did you ever have a sister?"
"That's a weird question but I would rather not mention it."Ice cube said while looking depressed.
"Why?" I responded
"Well sa...sadl...sadly *sniff* she was nearly taken away by bad people my step-mom owed money to them and well CPS took her when they figured it out but they never took me I'm forced to steal from my friends or...or there would be consequ...consequences"Ice cube stuttered
"Like what" I quite dumbly asked god why am I so pushy today
"I don't know it's never happened before but my dads trying to adopt me befo...before the incident happed which ruined everything and also my mum takes bad stuff she burns me sometimes with cigs or at least that's what she calls them" Ice cube sobbed before she began to just cry
"Well if you ever need a shoulder to cry on you can use mine" I said I know I don't like her but I feel sorry for her
"Thanks"Ice cube said slowly starting to calm down
"Friends?" I asked
"Sure but have you got a place in the new school?"Ice cube pondered
"Not yet"I said "not yet"
"You better hurry then spaces are quite rare to find I think" Ice cube blurted out of literally nowhere
A/n I cba to write ice cube so I'll just write icy from the next chapter
"So have you got any preferred nicknames?" I thought not realising I said it out loud.
"Yes one Icy i was given it before it happened the
reason I live hear where I'm unsafe and unhappy"Ice cube said beginning to sob again.
"I have only known you for 10 minutes and you have already cried" I said trying to be sarcastic but my mind went fully blank.
"Why thank you" Ice cube sarcastically replied.
"So wanna be friends"I asked
"I guess"Ice cube said
Then ice cube walked off.
Wow only a few minutes passed and I already made a new friend
But who was her sister
Could it be no no it couldn't
Could it
I sighed as I went back into my slightly unpacked room and turned my bow into its pencil
It can turn into anything it's so useful in so many ways. I begin to just doodle random stuff before pen walks into my room just to walk off almost as if he wast just checking in than I sat on a drawing pin
"I will some day kill you in your sleep" I muttered.
It began to get slightly dark I see ice cube crying outside so I ask her if she's okay
"Are you okay" I asked
"No sh..she just gave me this"
I looked and saw she had a nasty black eye I cringe
"I know" ice cube said
"If you ever need somewhere to stay for a while just ask me I can help" i said
"Wait what are you I never caught your name"icy asked
"Good I don't pass it around"I said on 90% sarcastic mode
"Seriously" icy began to ask
"Cappella" I said
"I'll just call you cappy" Icy responded
"I'll call you icy then" I yelled
"Fair" icy said like half a second later
Suddenly book walked around our neighbor hood icy stopped talking for a spit second
I know ice cube likes her but I'll help out without anyone knowing just for reasons.

A/n finally took me forever to write have to parts to the story you won't get much often so enjoy what there is okay bye

(There is always next year) A bfdi fanfic (bookcube)Where stories live. Discover now