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Lucifer walked slowly down the hall to the classroom. The heavy weirdly shaped bag on his back Stird some attention from hall monitors. " pass!" shouted a large brute of a man walking towards Lucifer. He stopped dead in his tracks a look of worry. He smiled showing his vampire fangs again, "I'm new here i-i-i'm just going to class" he explained his voice cracking as he done so. He's only 16 he couldn't beat up this brute. "oh your the vampire come on ill escorts you" he said as a wave of realisation flooded his brain. "thank you" Lucifer said starting to walk to the classroom with the gentle giant. Halfway through the journey the hall monitor spoke up cutting the awkward silence "so were you from?" the hall monitor asked one eyebrow raised. "I'm from the east side of America" he answered
"if you don't mind me asking what is that on your back?" asking yet another question. " I call it a guitar it's something I made" he answered happy that someone didn't just look at him weirdly. "Can I see?" he asked. "Yes but it is actually also listened to" he corrected. He stood still taking out a jaxville custom Reaper electric guitar. He picked up a silver pick then took out an amp and plugged it in withe a mic and stand and set everything up. He started playing Kick me and started singing
"Let's hang the jury
You sick judgmental fools
I'll bury you six feet deep
I'm so tired of your rules

Fuck you and your opinion
How could you be so blind?
What goes around
Comes back around in time

You don't know shit
You don't know shit
About me
You don't know shit, shit, shit
Don't know a god damn thing about me

Keep looking down on me
I am more than you'll ever be
Cut me deep but I won't bleed
Gonna kick, kick
Kick me when I'm down

By all means
Put me through hell
And I'll make you see
I'll be your worst enemy
Try to kick, kick, kick me when I'm down
Kick me when I'm down

Of all the sinners
You're first in line
So go to hell and tell the devil
I'm not that far behind

Fuck you and your decision
'Cause it's not mine
What goes around
Comes back around in time

You don't know shit
You don't know shit
About me
You don't know shit, shit, shit
Don't know a god damn thing about me

Keep looking down on me
I am more than you'll ever be
Cut me deep but I won't bleed
Gonna kick, kick
Kick me when I'm down

By all means
Put me through hell
And I'll make you see
I'll be your worst enemy
Try to kick, kick, kick me when I'm down

Try to kick, kick, kick me when I'm down

Kick, kick, kick me when I'm down
Kick me when I'm down
Kick me when I'm down
Kick me when I'm down
Kick me when I'm down".

He finished singing his eyes were closed the entire time so he opened them to see a large crowd had gathered around him. Then a sudden rush of mouths shouting wows and amazings until a loud voice shouted disrupting them all "what is going on here". A woman in her late sixties pushed through the crowd to see lucifer standing like a deer in head lights. "what's your name hooligan?" she demanded. "lucifer, lucifer Dracula miss" his voice trembling his body nearly shaking. Loud gasps erupted the halls leading to everyone shouting at there friends. "he's a Dracula" said one girl, "I think he's cute" said one boy. "QUIET!" she shouted and the silence stopped, " we do not have creatures like you in our school I'm taking you to the principal to have you publicly executed".

Oh no what will happen lucifer read on next chapter released soon

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