Chapter 5

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Okay guys, bear with me on this one. I needed to get this outta my system before the drama that's about to happen. Please don't judge!

Special note for pananahthefirst: You don't have to read this part. It doesn't really have anything to do with the main plot, and I don't want you to feel hurt by this part in particular, because if you read it, you will hate me. You have been warned.

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"So," Timothy said, a slight chuckle in his voice that sounded more like it came from nerves than amusement, "you don't want to kill me?"

Lillian felt her face heat up as she laughed slightly and said, "Of course not. I never really wanted to kill you." She stopped to think for a moment. "Well, maybe once."

At this, he cracked up, and she joined him. They weren't laughing because what she'd said was that funny—it definitely wasn't—but it felt good to be rid of the nerves Lilly guessed they'd both been dealing with.

Lillian had decided she needed to follow her heart, even though her heart was NOT wise, and tell Timothy how she was basically dying on the inside not being with him. So far, it'd gone far better than she'd dared to hope. But the evening was still very young, so there was plenty of time for things to go terribly wrong.

So far, they'd picked back up on the conversation that began the last time they'd gotten together like this. Again, they sat perched side-by-side on Lilly's bed, talking about the same self-pitying love note Lillian had slipped into his pocket when they hugged on their new friendship. She giggled at the irony now.

"What's so funny?" Timothy asked with a confused smile that made her look away so he wouldn't see her blush.

"Nothing," she mumbled to the floor. "Just a thought."

"A thought, hm? Care to share?" he asked, a smirk slowly forming across his lips. She couldn't focus when he did that, so she just laughed and rolled her eyes at him.

"No way," Lilly replied, a smile now playing across her lips. "It's way funner to leave you guessing."

Normally, he would've made a comment on the grammatical inaccuracy of the word "funner," but now, he didn't seem to notice. Just looked at her with a look of sweet adoration. Lillian wasn't sure if that was making her face so warm, or the gorgeous sunlight streaming through the window. Honestly, she didn't particularly care in that moment. Especially when he looked into her eyes, leaned in gently, and kissed her.
(Me: *cues fireworks*
Everyone else: HOW COULD YOU JUNE WE HATE YOU *throws rotten tomatoes*)

It was a brief kiss—Lilly guessed it had something to do with her damp lips that she'd been licking nervously earlier—but no less enjoyable. Lilly knew she'd later refer to it as a perfect kiss.

They both pulled back, Timothy's eyes slightly widened, as she was sure hers were. Then her face broke out into a wide grin, her finger caressing her lips gently, not daring to believe what had just happened. Perhaps she'd imagined it. Or- or...

"You kissed me," Lillian murmured, stating the obvious. Instantly, she wished she could take it back. She didn't want to sound stupid.

He laughed lightly, looking out the window, then facing her. "Yeah. It felt..." He seemed to wrack his brain for the perfect word to describe the moment. "It felt amazing. Perfect," he decided.

Lillian felt the heat in her face increase as she looked anywhere but at Timothy's face and asked the question dancing through her mind. The question that wouldn't let her get a full night's sleep. The question that needed an answer.

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