Chapter 8

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     After Grace gathered her things and left while Lillian waited for her to go from upstairs, where Dakota and Jessica (Jess after mournfully saying bye to Grace) got the whole story out of her, all the girls tired their best to pretend nothing had happened so they could enjoy the rest of their night. They also unanimously decided to skip any official, group secret-sharing for that night.

     At some point before 11pm that night, she'd hid in her sleeping bag while everyone else watched Thor: Ragnarok and spammed Timothy all her stories and regrets and angers. Somehow, though, he calmed her down pretty quickly, like he always did, softening her guilt and correcting her anger politely. He was such a good listener...

Before she put away her phone for the night to pay attention to her friends and the movie, Lilly got one last message from Timothy, and a video. The message was their now-routine good night, and the video was their song: Only Us. It was the perfect way to more-or-less end the night.

The next morning after a surprisingly cheerful breakfast, Lillian's mom picked her up, and she was back home, she couldn't help it anymore, so she gave in to the urge to call Timmy and beg him to come over. She needed emotional support, no matter how awkward it would be.

After making the call and learning his only plans for that day were binging YouTube and Wattpad (therefore, he was free, in case that needed clarification), she played with her hair, trying not to think deep or sappy thoughts, until she heard a car pull up who knew how much later, and a door slam.

     She didn't even bother getting up to go downstairs and greet him; her mom would let him in, and it was always fun to have him walk in when she was all cozy on her bed.
(SkyeAlnamar , don't even, okay? That's not what I meant XD )

     A few minutes later, and still no Timothy. And then, to make matters worse, her cat she'd been cuddling (Pie) jumped out of her arms and out the cracked-open door. Lilly couldn't help but feel depressed, until she heard purring a few seconds later right outside her door, which spiked her curiosity and had her slowly moving to get up.

    Before she got far, though, Timmy burst through the door with a crazy grin on on his face and dove onto the bed next to her like and adorable MANIAC.

     "Don't SCARE me like that!" Lilly squealed, giggling in the sort of girlish way that was super cringe-worthy.

     His response to this was a sarcastic "Suuure, never again" and a goofy smile that melted her heart waaay too easily. To hide her blush, she buried most of her face — save her eyes — into a pillow.

     When she did this, she noticed his face soften in a way that was SO Adrien Agreste (she tried to pretend she hadn't just compared her boyfriend to a model in Miraculous Ladybug). He slowly reached for her face and gently lifted her chin, brushing some loose blond locks behind her ears, and gave her a sickeningly sweet kiss.

     When they finally pulled apart a blissful eternity later, he whispered in her ear, "I've been wanting to do that all week."

     She could actually feel the heat radiating off his cheeks because their faces were still so close — when he lingered for the whisper, Lilly had gently taken his head into her hands and cradled it against the side of hers — as she replied with a shy smile he could only feel against his cheek, "Really? Is that so? Then... why didn't you?"

     "I'm a wimp," he said with a shrug and a laugh.

     "You are not!" Lillian retorted, also laughing, and removed her right hand from his chin to slap him lightly on the shoulder.

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