Chapter 14

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     "So, here's the plan," Ria mumbled to their small posey. "Lilly will go in on the left in ten seconds. The rest of us will pair off and surround them in case the plan goes askew. Everyone got it?"

     The girls nodded. Lillian felt butterflies swarm in her stomach like a monsoon. The plan hadn't felt so real until now. Their target was in their sights a little ways down the street, strolling into one of the small but amazing local bakeries, looking unaware and laid-back, and it was suddenly hitting Lilly that she actually had to walk up behind him in the line she could see through the front windows, and talk to him.

     "Hey, maybe we could catch him when he's less... busy?" Lilly tried hopefully. But somehow she knew in her gut her friends wouldn't let her back out.

     Her gut was right.

     "Does he look busy to you?" Ria — who had taken charge — said, gesturing toward the boy through the window, whose only concern seemed to be picking out the right treat. She did even need to look up from her planning clipboard. "Okay, ten seconds over. Show time. Go!"

     Ria, Jessica, and Raelynn pushed her forward, and she nearly ran into the door. Thankfully, though, she gained control just in time, saving herself a world of embarrassment as she casually opened the quaint little bakery's door, as if she'd been running forward in anticipation and not stumbling forward from a forceful shove delivered by her friends.

     As Lillian joined the line of five people, not including herself, she heard the bell connected to the door to alert employees of customers ring and caught sight of Maddie and Sophia steal in nonchalantly out of the corner of her eye. They went right for a little table in the corner, pretending to inspect the little menu stand to decide what they wanted, but Lilly caught Maddie make eye contact with her, and her little nod of encouragement. That helped a bit. Soon after, Dakota and Jessica copied what the other two had done, positioning themselves on the other side of the room. Ria and Raelynn sat outside the lively little shop on a stone bench, watching people rush by on the sidewalk. They had taken this position in case he tried to make a run for it and they needed to wrangle him into submission. The thought made Lillian gulp.

As the line moved forward at a lazy pace, she realized she needed to do what she came for, and do it fast, before it was too late. She barely heard the bell jingle and another customer stroll up behind her in line as she took a deep breath, stepped forward, and tapped the shoulder of the boy in front of her.

He turned, surprised, and gave her a quick once-over with his eyes before seeming to remember his manners, giving her an awkward "Hi...?"

Lilly felt her cheeks burn. She no longer had the power to look him in the face. "Hi," she mumbled, one foot nervously rubbing the back of her opposite heel.

"Uhhh, do I know you?" he asked, probably attempting to help her out, but only making her want to freeze up more. However, she plucked up what courage she had, and answered him. In her normal voice this time.

     "Nah, not really, but I think you were in one or two of my classes last year. Bradley, right?"

     Phew. That wasn't terrible.

     "Yep, that's me!" Bradley declared, finally giving her a smile (the smile that made him popular), which lifted a weight off her chest. He still seemed vaguely wary, but at least he didn't think she was some random weird stalker now. "And your name is...?"

     He said it in such a friendly, playful "finish my sentence" kind of way, so it didn't worry Lilly too much. She giggled lightly as she said, "Lillian, but you can call me Lilly."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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