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Storyline: What if Superman had met Barry first instead of Kara? What if Kara and the heroes had never met? Clark brings Kara to the wedding of Barry and Iris as his plus one. It's the first time they meet.

"Where's Clark?" Barry asks Oliver while looking at his watch.

"I have no idea", Oliver responds.

"He's twenty minutes late! That guy is never late!" Barry complains. 

Suddenly the bell chimes, announcing Clark's arrival. He walks in with a blonde woman clad in a beautiful blue dress shyly walking behind him. 

"Is that a girlfriend I see?" Barry suggests while teasingly wiggling his eyebrows. 

The woman behind Clark snorts.

"Uh, no," he says while adjusting his glasses, "this is Kara Danvers. My cousin."

Multiple eyebrows raise after he said that. 

"Hi", Kara says shyly while waving her hand. 

"Are you in the Superhero business?" Cisco asks her.

"Yes, I'm Supergirl", she says while fiddling with her glasses. "Wait. You're Kryptonian?" Sara asks rather loudly, getting the attention of the bystanders. "Yeah. I was sent to protect Kal, but I got stuck in the Phantom Zone, a place in space where time doesn't pass, for 24 years. He was already Superman when I arrived so he placed me by the Danvers, my adoptive family", she says.

"So, you're older than him?" Oliver asks.

"Yeah, I'm 13 years older", Kara says. 

"You finally have someone to put you in your place, huh?" Cisco teases while drinking from his champagne. Clark chuckles awkwardly and adjusts his glasses. 

"You could say that."

"Do you guys have club soda?" Kara suddenly perks up while looking at the bar. 

"Yeah, let me get you some", Oliver says before walking off to find some club soda.

Barry raises his eyebrow at the archer, but Oliver ignores it. He only wanted to be hospitable, even though it was Barry and Iris' rehearsal dinner. 

Kara thanked him when she got the beverage and looked around the place. It was nice, definitely a place where she would drink coffee every morning if she lived in Central City, hell, if she lived on this Earth. On the ceiling, she saw a sign that read "The Flash" with the picture of a cup of coffee beneath it. She smiled at that. This city definitely respects its heroes. 

It's a shame, really. She hasn't let the other heroes introduce themselves to her. But she never was a social bird. Some even say that she's socially awkward. Her adoptive sister, Alex, is one of them. 

Kara spots a stair that goes to the second floor of the building that has a railing so you could still see the first floor. She quickly decided that she would explore that second floor. It appeared that there were only chairs and tables on that floor, but nonetheless, Kara decided that she preferred being up here. She leaned over the railing and took a sip of the cool club soda. 

She looked at her cousin and saw him laughing and patting the back of one of his mates. She was curious about what they were talking, so she used her enhanced hearing. 

"She flew an alien prison to space, knowing that she won't be able to come back?" Cisco asks with amazement. That woman was definitely something special. 

"Yeah, she's very courageous in battle, but when it comes to socializing... She's not the best at it", Clark replied. 

"Are you enjoying yourself?" a voice asks behind her, making her turn around with super speed and floor the person. 

She realized it was not a threat and let him go. 

"Oh, Rao! I'm so sorry!", she started apologizing. 

"It's not a problem", Oliver tried to reassure her. 

"I'm paranoic. Sorry, again", Kara winces.

"It's fine, I know what you're talking about", the archer says while leaning next to her on the railing. 

"Life's treating you hard, I guess?" he asks while turning his head to look at the blonde Kryptonian. 

"You have no idea", she mumbles. 

Oliver didn't know what it was, but he felt safe with this woman. Like he could trust her. 

"I was stranded on an island for five years", he begins out of the blue. 

Kara has a frown on her face but doesn't say anything. 

"My family's boat shipwrecked, I was the only one that made it to the island. My father died on the liferaft."

"I'm so sorry that that happened to you, Oliver", Kara whispers while laying her hand on Oliver's arm.

"Don't apologize, you couldn't have done anything. You didn't even know me then."

"I had to send my boyfriend to space", Kara starts. Oliver looks at her with a raised brow. "He was gone for seven months. I thought for seven months-long that I had sent him into his deathbed. Turns out that he went to the future. I-I was so relieved when I found him", Kara sniffles.

"You don't have to continue", Oliver says while noticing the sad glint in her eyes. 

"I want to."

"Something went wrong in his spaceship that was currently underwater, so we went to check it out. Someone went out of their hypersleep, so we offered shelter to her. Turns out that she was Mon-El's wife and that hey had been gone for 7 years instead of 7 months." she finishes.

"That's... I don't have any words to that", Oliver says.

"I guess that the Gods don't like us very much." Kara chuckles dryly.

"They're about to start the speech. I suggest we go down." Oliver stands up straight and starts walking to the stairs. Kara follows him.

 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰                        〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰

"Have you noticed how buddy-buddy Oliver and Kara are?" Cisco walks up to his speedster-friend. 

"Huh?" Barry turned around and frowned at Cisco. 

"Man, you might run at supersonic speeds, but damn, that mind of yours is really lagging behind." Cisco took a sip of his champagne and pointed at the first floor of the coffee shop where Oliver and Kara were chatting. 

Realization crossed Barry's face and he looked back to Cisco. 

"Can't you let Clark do that weird hearing thingy?"

"You want to spy on them!" Barry looked baffled at his best friend. 

"Why not?" Cisco grins. "He has that hearing for something!"

Barry groans and looks sternly at the engineer. "You owe me 10 bucks."

"Yes!" The technician squealed and hugged his friend. "You're getting that money, I promise."

"What are you lot squealing about?" an icy voice asked the two.

"Frost?" Barry looked perplexed at the ice queen. "Who else would it be? Santa?" She rolled her eyes at the speedster. 

Killer Frost inhaled a breath and realized she should probably explain why she's here instead of Caitlin.

"Caity decided she would let me party too, instead of sitting in that dark corner of her mind."

"Huh." Barry tilted his head.

"Really, I'm just here for the alcohol." Killer Fost grabbed another glass filled with an alcoholic beverage. 

Cisco snorted at the behavior of their frosty friend and nudged Barry, signaling for him to go talk to Clark. Barry sighed and shook his head. "You're lucky that you're my friend."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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