trouble maker

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Madeline was waiting outside once again for Allen Jones, her boyfriend of a year. Allen walked out with a smirk on his face seeing Madeline. "aw Doll you didn't have wait for me" he told her as he put his arm around her shoulders . "well i wanted to know what you did this time."looking shyly at him "well doll no ones allowed to lay a hand one whats mine." "you didn't have to do that" "well i did". they walked down the street towards Madeline's house.

"hey Al why are you walking me home? your house is back the other way" "i just wanna walk you home that's all" Madeline was quiet the whole time he walked her home. He reached down and grabbed her hand. Only for her to look up at him and smile, he returned the smile to her and stopped only to pull her closer to him and kissed her. "come with me".

Madeline followed him she was wondering where they were going until she recognized where they were going it was the park. "what are we doing here?" "doll don't you remember this is the place where we met and i asked you out. the place that i found you crying at. we've been together for a year now and no i didn't forget. i just want to send all of the rest of the day with you. Do whatever you want." he told her. This Madeline surprised all day she had thought he had forgotten but instead he had surprised her. "Allen you don't have to do this" she said looking up to him. "anything for you princess i'd do anything for you and you know this." he told her before kissing her on the lips gently.

She blushed at what he had said to her and for kissing her. She couldn't help but make the bad boy of the school a softy for her. she was the only one he ever showed this side of him to people. The way he say it was that if people saw him acting like this all the time then they would judge him and he would lose his reputation. Dating the bad boy of the school was good, but barely anyone would talk to her because they thought she would run and tell him what they had said or did to her. Allen always found out what people did to his Madeline. she was his and his alone he was supposed to make her happy and feel welcomed all the time. 

"hey Al how about we just go to your house~" she had said sweetly. Her voice to him was like music to his ears every time she had said something to her. "sure doll but don't you want to spend sometimes not at a house. I mean we always at each others houses but we never really do anything. except for playing video games, on our phones, or talking. that all we do and i wanna change that." he looked at her with puppy dog eyes, the eyes she could never say 'no' to. "alright Allen but i thing we've been together long enough. Maybe we could maybe take this relationship to the next level" she mumbled the last part hoping he wouldn't hear her but the other half of her prayed that he did hear her. 

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