Change of Hearts

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{ Timeskip 1 month }

3rd POV : 

At the beginning you thought that girls will get used to you and living with you, but unfortunatly not. Every time when you try to talk with them or help with something they will just beat you. When you trying to help Azure get on wheelchair or want to clean her pool (her room is basically a one large pool ) she will always bite with her sharp teeth or try to drown you, because of that you have a few permanent scars and bite marks. Camie will always try to strangle you or hit you in to the wall when you tell her what to do. Devi you just need to stand next  too her to get claw marks and first or second degree burns. But the worst is when you girls will see you playing with Mimi, she is a little angel and from past two weeks she started too call you Papa, what brings you smile every time when you here it, unfortunatly every time after Mimi goes away girls come to you and start beating shit out of you, calling you a pervert and a failure, once a week ago they beat you so hard, that you ended in hospital, Mimi was very woried about you but because you know that she love girls as her older sister you tell that you fell down the stairs. However today it will change.

(Y/n) POV : 

'Like every day i was checking my wound after girls beaten, fortunately this time i hasn't had any broken bones, so i go to the kichen and start making diner, when i felt someone tugging my shorts. I turned around i saw my little cute snake'

Hey little angel - 'i said with a smile'

Mimi : Hi Papa ! What are  you making ??

Well its suprise i can only tell thats its had a egg ass main ingridient 

Mimi : (Pout) Thats no fair Papa i want to know 

"Soooooooo Cuuuuutttteeeeee i could die" i tought - Sorry little one but you must wait and if you will behave i will give you a something sweet 

Mimi : Yaaaay i love you Papa 'she huged you and you returned it'

I love you too, now go play 

Mimi : Okay ' she ran off to her room, but with moment she close doors behinde her, you was send flying into the wall' 

Son of bitch 'i groan with pain and three persons stood in front of me'

Camie : We told you bastard, that you must keep your hands off our little sister 

Azure : One visit in hospital wasn't enough ?  'she said with a grin on her face' 

Devi : Then we just need to do that again ' she said and start burning my skin on left arm'

'I groan in pain ,but try no to scream too not alarm Mim'

3rd POV :

'Devi start burning you and slashing witk her claws, Azure will bite you several times and Camie start crushing your right arme when girls heard something behinde them'

??? : Camie onee-san, Azure onee-san, Devi onee-san, w-what are you doing to Papa 'they turn around and see Mimi with tears in her golden eyes'

Devi : Mimi don't cry we are teching this pervert to stop going near you and forcing you to calling him Papa ' she said with smile and concern in voice'

Camie : Devi is right we doing it for your own good ' she leave you all in blood and bruises and approach her'

Mimi : Were you the ones who sent Papa to the hospital ? 'Camie kneel to her level'

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