Jihyo and Daniel

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Not really a chapter but I just wanna talk about these two amazing people

Are they really dating? I mean the entertainment could've only said they were, fans have noticed in award shows that the two have been exchanging glances, smiles at each other and all, right?

But if it was for me, I only think they were hanging out or something. Like look, dispatch did release bunch of pictures of Jihyo going to his house, like they're having a hangout like what other people do. Friends do that too, it could be true that they really are dating each other but where's the proof? I mean, exchanging glances, smiling at each other, Jihyo going to his house, it's what friends also do right? I still need a better proof that they do like each other, it was just all my opinion but she really do deserve better and all the great things in this world. She worked hard, she trained half of her life to be an idol, just like what she always dreamed of.

I really apologize if I've offended some but it was all just my opinion. Thanks for taking time reading this short rant but I really need some kind of proof people. A picture of her going to his house wasn't enough for me to believe they do like each other.

And I'm gonna say that, let's not talk about this in other chapters or books. Let's just enjoy the story, if it includes Jihyo or Daniel let's just let it be if the two are getting shipped by other people. This app was made for all of you here to write and show everyone your writing skills, imagination and all. Let's not ruin in the comments section that "but your dating Daniel/Jihyo". It's all just an imagination created by the author, I do hope no one will hate me after this. I'm just telling my opinions and no hate on Daniel or Jihyo, they're both an amazing person. Let's just support and be happy for them, that's all and I do hope everyone will have a great day/night.

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