What to do, what to do?

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That night I let Youko stay with me. He held me until I fell asleep and was still holding me when I woke up. I wake up when my door is busted open by Takeshi and some guards. They immediately fill my room and Youko holds me close. The guards pull Youko off me and start to beat the shit out of him. "NO!" I cry as I leap in the way. One of the guards accidentally knees me in the stomach. I fall to the ground and Youko immediately shakes the guards off and holds me. "Are you alright Aka-, I mean, Highness? " he says. "I'm fine Youko, thank you."I say. Youko helps me stand and then I step in front of him, shielding him from the guards and Takeshi. "No one will hurt him, he's helped me brace the fact that my parents are gone and that I'm now the queen. " I say. The guards step away from Youko and I but Takeshi comes right in front of me and pulls me away from Youko and throws me to the ground and starts to kick me in the stomach, head, ribs, and lungs. Soon enough,  I literally can't breathe. "Youko!" I gasp, trying to breathe as Takeshi's foot comes into contact with my ribs again.  Youko manages to shake the guards and push Takeshi away from me. "Why do you allow him to stay? He's hurting the queen! If I wasn't here she would probably have died!" Youko snaps at the guards. The guards stay silent. Youko cradles me and holds me close. "Guards, take him back to his cell." Takeshi barks. The guards drag Youko off and Takeshi grabs me and pushes me onto the bed. He then straddles my waist and kisses my lips and then goes down my neck. I squirm under him trying to get loose but he then puts one hand on my throat as he kisses down to my chest. I scream and Reita and Ash come in. Ash pulls Takeshi off me and throws him to a guard. Reita calm me down and asks if I need anything. "I need Youko Kurama, he and I have some things to discuss. " I say.  Reita nods and tells Ash to get Youko. Ash walks in with Youko. Reita and Ash leave. Youko scoops me up and cradles me. "Did he really? " Youko snaps. I nod. " I'm going to kill him. " Youko growls. " Why do you care about me so much? " I ask. " I once loved a girl who was a lot like you. She committed suicide so she didn't have to marry an abusive fiancee. "  he says.  "After her death, I pillaged, stole, and murdered when necessary. It was just me, a few good men, and my right hand man and best friend Kuronue. Now it's just me and Kuronue. Yomi, the one I had to blind is more or less dead." Youko tells me. " Youko, I'm going to set you free." I say. His golden eyes light up. I grab his hand and pull him down to the throne room where I call for a meeting. I sit in my mother's old throne and make the decree that Youko is to be set free. The guards released him reluctantly and Youko bowed to me. "Thank you Queen Akari for your kindness to a low life theif like me. May you rule for many years to come." Youko then kisses my hand and leaves. "YOU BITCH! WHY DID YOU RELEASE HIM!" Takeshi yells as he starts to strangle me. I get away and chase after Youko. I was in a red shirt and black pants. Youko hears my footsteps, and turns to me. "Akari, what are you....?" I jump and wrap my arms around his neck. "Takeshi tried to kill me." I say. Youko puts me down. "I'll allow you to come to my hideout, but I'll have to blindfold you. " Youko informs me. I nod. Youko picks me up bridal style and in a matter of seconds we're at the edge of a thick forest. Youko pulls a white piece of cloth from his pocket and covers my eyes with it. He takes my hand and leads me through the forest. After a bit of walking,  we stop and Youko let's go of my hand for a second. He then pulls me through a doorway. " You escaped? But how? I won't ask,  but what I will ask is who this pretty little thing is?" Someone, obviously a man says wrapping a strand of my hair around his finger and then letting fall back into place. "Perhaps you got her for us to share?" he asks wrapping what feels like bat wings around me. Youko laughs a bit. "No, Kuronue.  She isn't for us to share. She's mine, and I would appreciate it if you would get your wings off of what is mine." Youko says. I feel the wings retract and the blindfold fall to the floor. My eyes flutter open and adjust to the light. I'm in the middle of a room with treasures, literally piled in every corner of the room. Youko wraps his arms around my waist,  "Like what you see?" he asks.  "Is it wrong for me to say yes? " I ask. "Not at all Highness." Youko says. I can hear the smirk in his voice. I nod my head, "Then, hella yes. " I say. "Let's get introductions out of the way shall we?" Youko asks. "Alright. " I say.  Youko turns me to face who I guessed to be Kuronue. "Akari, this is my right hand man and best friend Kuronue.  Kuronue, her royal Highness, Queen Akari Kotori." Youko says using my full title. I blush and playfully hit his arm. "Youko,  I hate formalities. Akari is just fine." I say. "Come on, I have something to show you." Youko says giving Kuronue a wink. Kuronue nods and leaves the room. Youko leads me up several flights of stairs, and then onto the roof. It's night and the sky if full of stars. Youko and I lay down and look up at the sky. Youko pulls me close and places a kiss on my head. I then notice the full moon. The trees have an unnatural shine and then I realize that gold and jewels are scattered throughout the branches, obviously done by Kuronue.  Youko leans over me, his hands on either side of my head, and then he leans down and our lips connect. It felt like like a bunch of fireworks had just gone off. I closes my eyes and kissed back. My arms slip around his neck and his go around my waist. Youko pulls back and carries me bridal style to his room. He lays me down on the bed and kisses me again. It's gets a little more heated as Youko goes down my neck. After a few more kisses Youko stops. "We should get some sleep, we've had a long day." Youko says as he pulls my katana and it's sheath off of my back. I pull my knife off my thigh. Youko pulls me under the covers next to him and gives me a sweet kiss before we both drift off into dreamland.

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