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At the same night, right among the clouds, is Eren. You might be wondering what's he doing in the clouds. And he is not an angel if that's what you're thinking. Eren, a wind spirit, has a duty of looking after other things that lie beneath the clouds, just like an angel would, but with more physical control to them. He was currently sitting on a small cloud, just kilometers above Alex's house. But such distance is nothing to Eren's sight, for he can see from the sky no matter how far for as long as he wants to. He is holding a camellia flower, which now lacks one petal on it.

Eren started singing a song as he held the flower and looked down on everything his sight can reach from above. He loved watching the Earth from there, and it is a relief for him to be assigned exactly where he is watching. Memories of everything he saw from beneath the clouds played on his mind as he sang, from the romantic ones to the littlest of things, funny and ordinary. He closed his eyes as he finished the song, and smiled before opening them again.

Such a dreamy night, but nights here are always dreamy aren't they?

Another petal from his camellia fell.

He flew to a bigger cloud to sleep. He will have to wake up and hide at dawn.

He lied down on the cloud, putting the camellia on his side.

He closed his eyes and the wind blew. His camellia fell kilometers into a roof with a light landing.

Eren was sleeping too deeply to notice it.

He never woke up until he felt the sun on his face.

He got up and flew away before his form could even cast a shadow at dawn.

By The SkiesWhere stories live. Discover now