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That was the last time Ryel tried talking to Alex. They would still see each other outside, and to Ryel, he still always sees Alex at the rooftop at night, but that's it.

He doesn't want to annoy Alex with his presence anymore. If he could, he doesn't even want to be in the same place where Alex is, despite Alex not actually seeing him. This feeling had been bothering him for a month now, and all he want is to get away and forget.

He doesn't understand why it hurts him so much. Being unwanted by someone you just wanted to be friends with, is not a good feeling. Alex was really an interesting person to him, so despite what he was told by the guy who rented him the house he still tried to make friends with "that antisocial person" the guy was saying, which was Alex. But now he thinks, the guy is right. He should just leave Alex alone.

He had been thinking of leaving the Earth again as well. Might as well just go back to my real home, he thought. That's where I really should be anyways. That's what humans do, right? When they want to forget, they go somewhere and let their own minds float away.

He smiled and prepared himself for another night of duty. He went to his backyard and waited until no one is around. He then spread his wings and prepared himself for flight.

Last days on Earth, incoming, he muttered to himself, and he flew upward to a cloud.

Meanwhile, Alex was planning to apologize to Ryel with his "misconduct" a month ago. He finally had the courage to talk with Ryel, specially after seeing the sad posts he's seen from the latter on social media. Ryel never unfriended him, or blocked him. Ryel even had his number still saved on the phone after that one nervous call Alex did to him attempting to say sorry but only incoherent words came from Alex's mouth. But Alex was never aware of that one, and never will be, because Ryel is planning on leaving soon.

Alex used his sneaking skills to get inside Ryel's home, and now he's seeing Ryel flying upwards to the sky. He was at loss for words. He's not human? Alex thought to himself. He came out of his hiding spot and looked at Ryel as he got smaller while flying further away, looking like he's in a hurry, until he's only a small speck, and went to a cloud before disappearing.

Ryel- Eren sat on a cloud, still a little disheartened, but feeling more better now, specially because he finally have his plans altogether. He's going to talk with his lessor the next day and would reason he will have to move to another place for College, give the keys back and would "move away" the night after that.

Alex meanwhile, is still amazed at what he saw. He too out his phone and scrolled down to Ryel's number, and stopped.

If this is all real, and he bought his phone, then chance is that he will be answering from that cloud. That would be awesome, Alex thought, trying to console himself out of the nervousness he's feeling at the moment. He then proceeded to press the call button.

Ryel was watching a couple fight on the ground when his phone vibrated from his pocket.

Who would call me at this time- he stopped when he saw that it was Alex. He sighed. What do you want now...

He let the phone vibrate some more. He somehow hoped that the call would stop, but a part of him wanted to answer that call so bad. He followed that part of him.


Alex froze when he heard Ryel, with his usual soft but still male voice.

"Hello Ryel", he finally said. "Where are you right now? Can we talk? Is it okay?" Alex asked, trying to forget what he just saw minutes before that.

"I-I can't, I'm at work", Eren reasoned out. He can't go down to the ground  during his duty hours. He will have to stay there until down. This is a rule he can never break, not even for Alex.

"Okay. Sorry for disturbing you, I'll just call tomorrow, or better, just call me when you're not busy", Alex responded.

"Yes, sure", Ryel said, happiness lacing his voice. He's smiling from ear to ear now and can feel his cheeks warming up.

"Okay, call you, or maybe see you tomorrow I guess", Alex said, already being a little more comfortable, and stifled out a small laugh. He then turned the call off, and let out a laugh.

So your office is at the clouds, huh?

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