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It was dawn again, and Eren went down from his cloud back to land. He immediately went inside his house and hid his wings. He's now Ryel again. He went to fridge and took food to eat.

Meanwhile, Alex just woke up and has a want for more sleep. However, he decided to just get up and do some exercise. He went outside and felt the heat on his face. Summer is really starting now, yeah? He thought. He looked around and noticed that there's not too much people, except for some old people chilling in the nearby cafe, and a a guy drinking coffee in the balcony of his house. Alex noticed that he never saw the guy before. He shrugged and went inside his house. He went upstairs to his bathroom and prepared for the day.

He was already taking breakfast with his family when he asked his mom.

"Mom, who's that new guy on the next house? The one to the left?"

His mom looked at him. "He's new. He just arrived the other day. He's renting that house, probably living there temporarily, I don't know."

Alex nodded and continued eating.

Meanwhile, Eren- Ryel went back inside his room and lied down on his bed.

Human beds are the best I swear, he thought as he closed his eyes. Will choose this over a puff of gas anytime.

Night came. Alex is back to his daily routine of climbing up to the roof at night. He lied down on his roof and smiled while looking at the sky.

Sometimes, I need to relax too. I can't worry forever for school, that's stupid.

And Eren is already going to fly to the a cloud. At the back of his house, he spread his wings and flew gently to the cloud.

Alex saw something flying upwards in the distance. He sat up and looked at it. The flying figure disappeared after a while to a cloud. Alex lied down again.

Eren landed on a cloud, and sat there.

Another night of magic, He thought while smiling. He gently pulled out his favorite flower and caressed it.

The night's a little warmer than the past nights, and the breeze is more gentler, but it's still enough to complete the magic for Eren to enjoy, as he watched the Earth from the clouds.

Alex on the roof on the other hand, sat up and watched the passing cars from there. Not so much people, and not so much cars, since a lot already went for vacation. Alex felt the wind on his face and he looked up at the skies, starting to wonder again about the figure he had just seen earlier.

Eren's gaze landed on a boy sitting on the roof of a house, while the boy looks up at the sky. Eren smiled. He remembered himself looking the same way to space when he was little. Full of wonder... though he can see a hint of sadness and worry in the boy's eyes. They still looked amazing to him nonetheless.

Beautiful... he whispered to the wind as he smiled at the sight of  the boy, who looks so bewildered looking at the sky.

Alex flinched at the sudden whisper he heard right unto his ear.


"What the?!" He blurted as he looked the side, and no one was there.

He was a little shocked, but he never felt scared, and it confused him.

Ghost? No, the hair at the back of my head never stood up. Nah, probably my imagination. I'm overthinking.

Alex lied down while sighing. Too much thinking would drive me nuts.

Eren still have his eyes fixated on Alex, while holding his flower (the camellia!) very gently.

Such a pretty kid, he thought. I hope he knows that, and I hope his worries, whatever they are, stops soon. Or I may have to fix that for him.

His face lightened up when he realized that the house Alex was on, was right next to his.

So he's the antisocial guy... he thought as his face drew a smile. He realized he was literally emitting a bright light from himself... from too much happiness, and decided to calm down.

Hold it Eren, not really good for a wind spirit. He thought to himself. Be patient, you will meet him soon.

Alex at the roof on the other hand, is already starting to fall asleep, not realizing someone is dreamily gazing at him.

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