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What is grief? According to the dictionary it is described as a deep sorrow. At the moment, grief can seem like the most important thing in your life, but it's not. I remember reading something about there being seven stages to grief. Sometimes it is not that simple. Grief can't be put together easily. We all wish that it did. We wished to be able to bring our love one back or get rid of illnesses. In my opinion, it's ok to cry and yell. Sometimes I like sit in my room and remember the good memories. Crying is not always bad it can be good too. Think about crying as if every bad thought is leaving your body. I'm writing this because I wish someone told me how to process grief better.

I realized I wish for so much in this world. I wish for violence to end and for people to stop living in fear. I wish for a cure for every disease or illness. I wish for happiness and long life. Don't let someone tell you that it is not ok to wish because it is. Wishing helps someone get through their day. I think the one thing I find myself wishing for is more time. I wish to have more time to tell the love one's I lost the things that were left unsaid. What do you wish for? Each time you lose someone you wish and beg to have them back with you.

The question is how do you prepare for that. How do you prepare to lose someone. I don't believe you can ever prepare yourself for something such as grief. Well let me correct that statement you can prepare for it but you will not be able to prepare for it mentally. Physically you can but mentally you can't ever prepare yourself for the shock that enters your body when someone you love or care about pass. Such as if a child losing their parents. There is a shock that goes through your body and it feels like you can't breathe. Your knees began you get weak and you need someone to help you stand. Mentally you know you can breath but at that moment it is the farthest thing from your mind. I think what is common for most people is the screaming and the shaking of the person to in our minds wake them up. Your thinking that this have to be some kind of a joke. That this can't be real. Your not the only one that did it. Let me tell you that it is perfectly fine to do that. At that moment in time you do what you need to do no one will blame you.

I understand this isn't what people or most importantly professionals say but the grieving process is different for everyone no one is perfect when it comes to grieving your not going to go through each step or even go through a step at all. The most important part of grieving is taking care of yourself and knowing that it is ok to scream, cry, get angry, to curse, to watch sappy movies, to go hiking or fishing. It completely ok to not do the normal things the reason being that it not other people grieving it you, yourself, grieving. Me personally take time out for myself to cry and scream. After I get that out of myself I continue going about my day. Grieving can last a day or for years. You take however long you need to.

What I wish I Knew About GriefWhere stories live. Discover now