Last Words

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I'm sorry. Those are usually the words that someone wants to say before it is too late. Doctors talking to people say it a lot. People say it at funeral homes a lot also. Take some seconds to think about all the words you wish you could say to someone alive or dead. Even sick or healthy. You may be wondering why I am asking you to think about those words. You see how you thought of those words and how easily it come to you. Why is it so hard for us to do that whenwe are talking to someone. Why is it easy for us to hold our tongues but hard for us to speak our words. When someone is on their death beds and the grim reaper is standing there by their sides, do you think they leave with a smile on their faces? When you look up to the sky do you think that they would know about your unsaid words. It's ok to have unsaid words, it's ok to regret not Saying them when you had the time.

I know there have been times where I thought would my words have made any difference in that person life. Yes there will be times where you get angry and think that your words would have made a difference. It completely fine to think that the words would've had an impact as if you lived in a drama movie. The question that you need to think about is would it have made an impact in your life. Sometimes unsaid words were unsaid for a reason. I went to my uncle grave once and thought about all the times when I saw him and the words that I thought about but never said. I think the reason I never said them was because we were living in the moment. Those times where you were living in the moment and everything seem as if nothing wrong could happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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