The Galactic Council

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The crowd was silent, but she knew that they were waiting to wildly cheer. It was nature to celebrate victory, or the defeat of another. Her shoes squeaked as she took the remaining steps to the podium toward her waiting brother. His grin was wild as the glow of the screens and flashes of cameras bathed him in the recognition he always craved. Gaz's amber eyes betrayed nothing as she took her place beside him. He turned his head and the tip of his black scythe hair smacked her face with a sharp sting. She growled and placed the display that weighed heavy in her hands on the podium. It was a small glass tube with a neon blue chip in it. The chip was no bigger than a penny. Her eyes focused on the chip and noted the metallic gleam and intricate gold wiring; it had the power to bring a race to its knees.

"Earth's victory is a cause for celebration. We have looked to the universe and the universe has looked back at us. We have made a council so strong that nothing can break it. We have saved countless planets and know that life is out there!"

'Meet Dib, savior and destroyer,' she dryly thought as she gazed at her brother while he was in the throes of his speech.

Her eyes turned to the screens floating above the audience. The static came and was quickly replaced with random faces, different races. They were transmitting live to various planets, waiting to see this event. She could see the anticipation in the various faces. The anticipation ignited their gazes with a savage look.

"Vortians, Meekrobs, Geminates, and others," Dib continued as he elaborately motioned to each alien race. "We bring the Irken Machine fully to its knees!"

Another round of cheers erupted and her amber eyes turned to the front row. She made eye contact with violet eyes and everything went dead around her. The grin split his mouth. A familiar malice was within his eyes as he watched this event. His hair was black and slicked back, but his skin was humanly peach with his correctly fingered amount hands. He had upgraded from a cruddy outfit to a cruddy personality. Zim also went by the name Zak, it was in case any of the Irkens decided to rat him out. After all, he had betrayed his species. He nodded at her and she was instantly reminded of why she was doing this. Irkens were dangerous, and no matter how wrong it felt, she would ignore her emotions.

'Do it,' that was what she could imagine him saying as Zim nodded at her. This time she imagined him with maroon eyes and antennae.

"Thanks to the work of her team; my sister, Gaz has developed a way to turn the extermination of the Irken race to a simple domestication," Dib finished. "A way to finally end the senseless killing." He smiled, but it was meaningless because the want of violence in his gaze.

Gaz blinked her amber eyes from the daze she was lost within. Her eyes went to the crowd and she nodded at them for show more than a greeting. They cheered as she held her face in front of the microphone. Gaz blinked and softly sucked in the air, dread was welling within her.

"Thanks to the Vortians vast technology and Professor Membrane's top Biological Technician, I was able to make an idea a reality," Gaz calmly began; her eyes on the chip in front of her. It seemed more like a nightmare. "Twelve years ago the first Irken Invader came to Earth intent on destroying our home. Nine years ago, my brother captured that Invader. Eight years ago, we made contact with various races enslaved and oppressed by the Irkens."

Gaz lowered her eyes to Zim and noticed that his laughter matched the cheering and murmuring of the crowd. He laughed and she sighed. No one noticed the enthusiastic amusement from him.

"Three years ago, we waged war with the Irkens and with the help of our allies we destroyed an Empire and stopped a disease. We have turned their planet into nothing more than a barren wasteland."

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