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She waited in darkness, her white jacket and purple gloves standing out against the dim light. Her amber eyes turned to the men beside her. They were dressed in contamination suits, as if there was a plague. Red lights began to flash causing her to squint. She dug the tip of her boot into the cement as anticipation welled within. This was the moment where the first batch of Irken prisoners would be delivered. The ship's door opened, descending downward into a platform. The soldiers marched and formed two lines leading out.

"March! March, scum!"

Gaz watched as they dragged Irkens off the ship and into the building. Chains and collars bound them, their Paks restrained. Her mouth moved and she stepped forward with some unknown intent. The men beside her stepped in front of her blocking her. War was dirty, it was the ugliest she had seen humanity. A soldier followed behind the Irkens carrying a random Paks upon a line.

The Irkens had to be decontaminated, so they marched into the glass room. A white mist leaked out of the ceilings filling the room with screams of pain. The terror leaked out of the white room and filled her ears. Irkens were hydrophobic. She knew it hurt and wished there was another way.

'This is my future,' she thought. 'I have to be here.'

She began to lose herself, gazing with a glazed look at the decontamination chamber. She thought of games and remembered times before this moment. She looked through each Irken as they were processed.


"Sir." Gaz corrected with a glare as she returned.

"Yes, sir." There was disdain in the soldier's voice.


Gaz looked him over and found him holding a chain. The Irken attached to it was lying on the ground, blacked out from suffocation. His short, fat, body motionless. His uniform stained with his own blood. His body had yet to endure the mist.

"Chief wanted to know if we should burn the body."

"Burn." Gaz repeated. "He doesn't look dead."

The soldier dropped the chain and kicked the Irken with his toe. He smirked, replied, "Looks dead to me."

"All Irken prisoners are my property, leave him," Gaz ordered, her anger rising. She could feel a familiar rage rising up and it was a feeling she could thrive on.

"It has to be processed."

Gaz stepped forward and stood toe to toe with the soldier. She was reminded of how short she was, but her power exceeded this man's rank.

"It already has been," Gaz spoke, her voice low, but firm.

"I have to follow..."

"My orders! My rank dictates it."

"I'll tell Chief and he'll..."

"Listen. I control things now, you're dismissed."

He leaned forward, before he stepped back. The soldier muttered something as he walked away, leaving her with the awake Irken. Gaz knelt beside the Irken and reached out to undo the chain, once it was off his face resumed normal color. Her eyes rose as she watched him squint at her. His eyes were a bright red as he focused on her.

"What is your designation?" Gaz asked.

"In-invader S-skoodge."

Gaz nodded, she remembered him from Zim's memories. Reaching down she began to check him for broken bones and out of place joints. He shifted his hands which were still bound.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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