Part 7

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I'm making everyone a nice breakfast. Most things got put away last night. I look to see what I could put away when I see Jason and Cameron on the couch. Yep, didn't even make it to their own beds last night.

"Torres, can I go out today?" I hear Erick ask me.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I'm heading to the mall." Erick says.

"When you leaving and when are you coming back?" I ask.

"I was thinking I could leave at noon. I'll most likely be back around 3." Erick replies.

"How are you getting there? Also, are you meeting up with friends?" I ask.

"I'm going with Alan and Mason. Alan is planning to get me at noon. He'll be with Mason." Erick says.

"You know how Kyle and I are about Mason and Alan. I mean, last time you went out with them, they ended up shoplifting getting you close to being in trouble with the police." I reply.

"Or I could go with Clarissa and Maddy." Erick responds.

"We don't mind Clarissa and Maddy. Alan and Mason are troublemakers. Every time you're around those boys, you nearly end up arrested." I say.

"What's happening? Erick trying to go out?" Kyle asks coming downstairs.

"I'm just going to the mall. I'll see if Clarissa and Maddy can join me. I'll be gone from hopefully 12 - 3." Erick says.

"Alright, they'll have to get you or get Cameron to drive you there." Kyle says.

"What do I do with Alan and Mason? You guys obviously don't like them." Erick asks us.

"We think it's best if you just stop being friends with them. We already have one person who the police are looking for or are in trouble with them. We don't want another." I reply.

"Wait, who's in trouble with the police?" Erick asks.

"Cameron. He has a history of shoplifting, drugs, etc." Kyle says.

"I could hear you, ya know." Cameron says.

"Oh, you're awake." Kyle says.

"Yeah, enough to know y'all are talking about me. And yes, I am in trouble with the police with the chance of being arrested next time I run into them. I also don't mean mall cops. I mean, real cops." Cameron says.

I finished making breakfast. Erick managed to get Clarissa and Maddy to hang with him. Jason and Cameron are also going out today. All three are heading towards the mall. Kyle and I were skeptical with Cameron going out now that the mall has cops that Cameron is in trouble with.

"Erick, there's no phones at the table." I say.

"Well, idiots 1 and 2 are texting me. Calling me an ass for ditching on them to instead go with Clarissa and Maddy to the mall. Also Mason called me a motherfucking dick for trying to end our friendship. I would deal with them later if they weren't spamming up my phone." Erick replies.

"Give me that, real quick." Kyle says.


Mason: hey idiot! You're a motherfucking dick for ending our friendship!

Alan: bitch! idiot!

Erick (Kyle): This is Kyle talking. I don't like how you guys are treating Erick. Every time he hangs with y'all, you end up shoplifting and getting him close to being arrested. He has every right to end this friendship with you boys.

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