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"Percy...oh my gods," she broke down in tears, her blonde hair falling all over her face. "I can't believe it."

Annabeth couldn't take the pressure. Her boyfriend was...gone. She felt like punching Thanatos in the face. That stupid moron. He'd stolen her boyfriend and threw him into the underworld. Face the facts, she thought, he's dead. Nico stood beside her silently, watching the motionless body of a dark-haired boy in tattered orange clothes.

Nico resented Percy, but he used to have a crush on the boy and his death...well, it did bother him.

Annabeth picked up Percy's body in her hands and cried even more. No, it must be a dream. A dream. It must be one, one intended to cause her grief. But it wasn't.

"Let's go." She said and lead the way back to camp with Percy in her hands. He was heavy, sure. But she insisted. She must bring him back. With Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper, Leo and Nico walking behind her, she trudged painfully back to camp under the weight of her dead boyfriend.

Dead...the word rang in her ears, giving her a headache. She looked at Percy, thinking how beautiful he looked in death. His face had a serene expression and looked flawless - not a pimple in sight. His jet black hair, long for a boy, was swept to one side. His mouth was opened slightly. A tear rolled down Annabeth's cheek and her face turned red. She clutched the coral pendant on her necklace - a gift from Percy when they'd first started dating.

"Percy...i-if you're listening from Elysium...," Annabeth said shakily. "I want you to have this back. We-we are not dating anymore. This is a sad reminder of you. Take it...please."

No reply came. Nico stood behind, watching the tears flow. He knew he had to step in. He went up to Annabeth.

"You need help?" he asked.

Annabeth sighed. She looked away. "I guess so."

Nico closed his eyes and concentrated. Then slowly, a white figure began to form in front of him - Percy's spirit. He looked around and stared at his white, translucent body.

"What the-" Percy the ghost started. Annabeth looked at him and almost cried for joy.

"Seaweed Brain!" she exclaimed. "Gods, I can't believe you died. Did you get the message?"

Ghost Percy floated silently for a while.

"Yeah. But keep the pendant. Pretend it's seaweed or something. Reminders aren't sad."

Annabeth stared at him. "If this was seaweed...oh, gods. I'm wearing your brain."

"Yeah, well, um, I gotta confess that that's actually hardened seaweed painted to look like coral."

Annabeth couldn't tell, but she guessed that if Percy wasn't white and translucent and floating he'd be blushing.

"Seaweed Brain."

"Sorry, it's actually real coral!"



Annabeth wrapped her arms around ghost Percy although she didn't feel anything. "I love you." she said.

"Annabeth! I - I can't hold the connection much longer." Nico interrupted.

Sure enough, Percy's image started to flicker.


"Bye, visit me in Elysium when you die!"

Percy's image disappeared. "Nico...what the Hades is going on? I don't know...I just met him, and I miss him again? Like, how is that possible?" Annabeth said.

"Well, it always happens. Don't ask me why. Ask my dad." Nico replied.

Suddenly, Annabeth caught sight of the sea and an idea formed in her mind. That's it! she thought, Water! She ran to the sea, all the muscles in her body aching. She was pure adrenaline, running because of love. Love for Percy. She placed Percy's body down on the shore on the water and waited. She stared anxiously, waiting to see his chest inflate then deflate. But nothing happened. Nothing would get him back. Ever.

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