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Piper's boyfriend was Jason. Not too sad. Jason didn't die. But Percy was one of the best demigods on the Argo II. The seven, now six, couldn't afford to lose him. They'd do anything to get him back. Piper would even become a beautiful maiden ( She hated to look pretty ) to get back one of their most important demigods. "Jason," She said. "Um...so you got any revival techniques? Just asking." Jason turned around. "What? Oh, um, no." He said, trying to hide the pain he was experiencing. Piper looked away after commenting on Percy's bravery. His funeral would be grand, she knew. He was a great hero, after all. She took step after step, shooting occasional glances at Jason. "Oh, what the Hades. Gaia sucks." She muttered under her breath. Gaia was to blame for all these complications. If not for Gaia, Annabeth wouldn't be so sad. If not for Gaia, Jason would be in a better mood. Gaia made it all the way to the top of Piper's hate list. She was even ready to fork over the first prize for the stupid category to Gaia. And the prize was...oh, of course! The prize was a huge strawberry pie slammed right in her face. That would be awesome. Piper would buy the front seat ticket for any price just to watch that happen.

She looked at Annabeth, who was struggling to keep her balance. Maybe she needed help. Piper pushed away all thoughts of Gaia and the strawberry pie and rushed forward.

"Um..." Piper said. "You need help?"

"No," Annabeth said. "It's okay. I can do this. Anyway, he's my boyfriend."

Piper walked back to Jason. That was when a sudden bright flash almost blinded Piper and she stumbled backwards. She shielded her eyes with her arm. A voice boomed.

"You have failed me, daughter of Athena. You and your friends." Poseidon appeared in front of them in godly form. It would've killed a mortal, but luckily the six were half god. It wasn't a problem for them to look at Poseidon is his godly form.

"He must have another life," Poseidon said sadly, looking down at Percy's body. He reached out his hand and touched Percy. Scales started to appear on his body and a fishtail grew from his rear end. His legs shrank and flattened and so did his hands. He was turning into a fish. Annabeth screamed, "No!"

But it was too late. A small river which emptied into the sea appeared in front of them and Percy swam away.


Piper walked forward. She wanted to help her friend.

"Oh, what a nice fish! Excellent choice, Poseidon!" She put as much power into her voice as she could. "I hope he stays that way forever!" She then willed herself to look beautiful. She could feel makeup applying itself onto her face and her orange camp t-shirt morphing into a white sleeveless chiton. Her skin whitened and gave out a slight glow. Her hair tied itself into a Greek hairdo. She instantly became the prettiest demigod alive and Poseidon stared at her. His eyes skirted her flawless makeup, hairdo and everything. He gazed at her dreamily.

"Oh, I'd say we could just let Percy stay that way. It's better than being dead! You're so smart, Poseidon!" Piper fluttered her lashes. Poseidon sighed and his heart was probably melting. Piper's charmspeak was working. The god summoned back Percy and transformed him back into a human. Alive. And still a demigod.

"Oh, and I simply must go on a date with you! Please let me stay on Olympus!" Piper said.

"No. Please leave me, beautiful!" Poseidon replied. The six then ran away from the god, fearing that the charmspeak might wear off soon and that Percy would become a fish again.

"Piper, that was awesome. Thanks!" Annabeth said, and the seven continued their walk back to camp.

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