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I can't sleep so bear with me.

I love Dekuraka. It's another one of my favorite ships. They're just the most adorable cinnamon rolls and ah, my heart almost goes out whenever I see just one of them, let alone both of them.

I love Deku's reactions when he's like *first time talking to a girl* or *first time talking to a girl on the phone* It's adorable how flustered he gets.

I also enjoy how they support each other. Ochako is always encouraging Deku and she admires him. She basically helps him claim the name "Deku" as his own as something he can be proud to be called.

They're both just so sweet it's almost too much.

I think I also read somewhere that the English dub VA for Deku is a supporter if the ship???

Rating: 11 + sugar on top /10

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