How You Meet (Other Countries)

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Sorry for taking so long to update, the editors went on a sort of strike? Yeah well, it's published and hopefully, the next chapter won't take as long. : )


You, as well as the rest of your school's Ancients Club (where you study ancient things) members, were in Egypt for a fun vacation, as well as to learn and study more about ancient Egypt.

There weren't too many people in the Ancients Club with you; perhaps four or five other people- including the teacher who ran the club. Most people at your school said that ancient history was 'boring' and 'stupid' which you would disagree with very much.

Because of that, you had become very close with the other members of the club, despite some people being much older or younger than you. So when you found out that you were being given the opportunity to have a month vacation in Egypt, you practically jumped out of your seat in excitement. Scratch that, you actually jumped out of your seat, and fell face flat onto the floor.

To make it better, you had always had a soft spot for Egypt and its history and culture.

You and your club members were currently visiting the Great Pyramids of Giza to look around, take photos and most importantly, learn about them.

Your teacher had supposedly paid for a tour guide to take you inside the pyramids- but when you arrived there was no tour guide in sight.

Your teacher and a few students went off to look for the tour guide, or for a new tour guide, while you and one of your friends stayed back near the pyramids waiting for them to get back.

After about ten minutes of waiting your friend had gotten bored and went off to do 'something interesting' and left you alone. After another ten minutes had passed and they still hadn't gotten back, you decided to look around the pyramids on your own.

You were able to take many beautiful pictures of the outside of the pyramids but you still really wanted to take a look inside.

The day quickly passed by, for minutes turned into hours and you still hadn't seen them come back. You were starting to suspect that they had deserted you.

You took one last photo, feeling exhausted and sighing, feeling disappointed and how much of a waste the day was compared to how it could have turned out.

"Are you not enjoying Egypt?" You heard a sudden voice say, coming from the left side of you.

You quickly turned around to the voice and saw a light brown man standing beside you.

He had dark greenish-brown eyes and a white keffiyeh tied with a greyish-brown agal on his head, covering his hair.

"Oh no! I'm enjoying my visit here very much, I love its culture and its history." You frantically said, not wanting the man to get the wrong idea.

"Then why do you look so sad and disappointed here?" He asked, gesturing towards the pyramids, making you sigh and look towards them.

"A group of friends and I were supposed to take a look inside the pyramids with a tour guide. But we couldn't find him, so a few of them went to look for him but they didn't come back afterwards, and I've felt like the day has been a waste." You said in a sad tone.

"Would you like to go inside the pyramids?" He asked in a monotone voice.

"Of course I would! Who wouldn't?" You replied but he didn't say anything back. Instead, he began to walk away from you, leaving you confused.

"Excuse me sir, but where are you going?!" You called out to him. He turned around to you with an unchanged expression.

"You wanted to go inside the pyramids didn't you?" He asked and you nodded. He turned around and began to walk in the same direction as before. You were confused, but assumed that he wanted you to follow him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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