Just A Penguins Life..

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-3000 words


My name is Sky, and I live in the peninsula of Antartica with my friend Kelly, in a Colony of 100% female penguins. It's not always female... during the year, we join with the male Colony and we swim, dive, fight and eat...basically.

But right now it's the beginning of the mating season, which in all is 14 months long, it's me and Kelly's first mating season, meaning we will find our mate when the male Colony arrives, I'm really nervous about it, for breeding is especially important to our species at the moment, with so many deaths happening from global warming and the increase of oil...

But then there was my aunt Carol, whose death was a tragic accident of her slipping on some ice while flirting with a male, falling down a steep snow hill.

Sometimes I feel like-"SKY, SKY, ICE TO SKY, SNAP OUT OF IT YOU DAFT SHRIMP" Kelly screeched from beside me. "KELLY what did I tell you about yelling when I'm right next to you" I groaned, my goodness best friends are a bunch of work.

"Yeah, well it's not like I could get your attention anyway else, I had to get your head out of the sky, Sky." She retorted, giving me a nudge.

"I needed to tell you that Stacy just anounced that she saw the start of the male Colony approaching".

Stacy is a rude and selfish, penguin who is always saying that she can swim the fasted and is on a krill free diet because she doesn't want to get fat, which is stupid.

The breeding months are some of the worst months for both female and male penguins because it's when huge snowstorms hit and we have to travel miles and miles to get to the ocean, not eating for at least 5 months and in total starvation we need all the food we can get, which by the way, is fine for me...yum!

"Stacy's Stacy, dont trust what she has to say, it takes hours for the males to arrive, we still have one night left" I sigh, me and Kelly make our way to the outside of our flock.

"I know but I'm just so exited! We finally get to meet our mates! and I heard that some are really cute (-v-) and sexy, I hope mine is, then we get to mate with them!! Oh my gosh I'm so exited, I can't belive your not sliding and screeching everywhere like the rest of us!" She gushed.

I roll my eyes, it's true that I'm not that excited, I heard most mates are really dominating and I am basically an Alpha girl myself and don't like to be bossed around, mate or no mate, I don't like the idea of having a cocky, asshole breeding with me.

"Whatever, you can fangirl in the morning but right now it's getting dark so let's find a spot to rest." I say, pushing Kelly back to the central area of the Colony,

It gets freezing at night, so as always me and Kelly huddle up together, my head on her shoulder as snow starts to fall lightly,

The rest of the pack does the same and I let myself drif-"GGGZZZNORRRRRKKK"...oh I forgot about Kelly's nervous snoring, I smile though and close my eyes, Kelly is the closest thing I have to family and no matter what, I will still love her.


I groan and lift my head up slowly, finding myself on the ground...

wait WHAT, I quickly scramble up to find the breeding area mostly empty, and then see all the females in a corner, trying to to scramble over each other to see something in the distant snow and ice.

I slowly move towards them, blinking at the bright morning sun reflecting off the ice and see a mass of small figures, moving slowly across the landscape.

As I reach our hyper group I think of the best thing to do at this moment, "GIRLS!" They all turn towards me slowly and when I have their quick attention I say,

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