Episode: 15

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A week had passed since Finn and Raven were last on speaking terms, a mere five days after their argument, which left Finn's mind to wander on his feelings for both Clarke and Raven. Although he knew he love Raven, he was sure of his feelings for her, he was uncertain on his feelings for Clarke.

He knew that's Clarke's close relationship with his brother had greatly effected his confidence and attendance wherever Clarke is present, but given the past day, Finn hadn't left Clarke's side.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her again as he pressed a damp rag to her forehead.

"I've told you, I'm fine." Clarke insisted, trying to sit up but Finn stopped her. "It's probably just food poisoning, you don't have to baby me."

"Clarke you threw up for an hour, now you're saying you're fine?" Finn stated, pressing his hand to her forehead. "I just want to make sure."
"Bellamy will be back tomorrow, until then you should rest."

"Finn, you haven't let me do anything other than rest since you got here." Clarke huffed, her brow raising.

"I don't like it when you're sick." He sighed, both of Finn's brows raising has Clarke pushed him back from her.

"I'm not sick, I just ate something that didn't sit with me. I'm fine, honestly." Clarke insisted, "besides I have plans tonight. I can't stay in bed I have to get ready."

"Plans?" Finn queried, "with who?"

"I met this girl, she goes to our school actually" Clarke explained, gathering to her feet.

"What are your plans.?"

"Mosey much" smiled Clarke as she turned back to face Finn. "It's nothing special, I'm just inviting her around for the night."

"Are you sure you should be letting a stranger stay here?"

"If you're so worried about her Finn, then you can stay, too." Clarke called, "I'm sure Raven will be exhilar-"

"She won't." Finn interrupted.

"What, why?"

"Haven't you spoken to her?" Finn questioned, sitting against Clarke's bed head.

"No, I've been off with Bellamy for the past two weeks. I've barely seen anybody."
Finn filled his eyes, he hated hearing her say Bellamy's name, he hated the fact she was with Bellamy and not him.

"Raven and I.. are on a break." Finn explained, Clarke's eyes widened.

"What, since when?" Clarke huffed.

"A while.." Finn responded, watching Clarke as her eyes twitched, trying to piece together why raven never called her, never told her.
Clarke stormed from her room, down the hall and burst into Ravens.
She was sitting down on her bed, studying for one of her upcoming exams after summer.

"You and Finn broke up?" Clarke exclaimed, stepping over and sitting beside her.

"I didn't know you were back." Raven began.

"Don't, why didn't you call me?"

"You were having fun with Bellamy." Raven shrugged. "You barely ever do anything like that, I didn't want to ruin it for you." She sighed, her brows raising as she fought back tears.
Clarke didn't hesitate, immediately pulling Raven into a hug right as the dam broke, tears began to stream down Ravens face as the two sat in silence for several moments.
Finn watched from the door, the girls hugging through the pain as he himself came to the drab realisation that it was him who hurt her.
He stepped back, his brows furrowing as he turned and slowly made his way down the hall, giving the girls space to talk.

Clarke and Raven pulled from their hug, Clarke wiping Ravens tears away with her sleeve as Raven sighed.
"I know about you and Finn." She stated calmly, taking over and swiping away her tears.

"What about me and Finn?" Clarke said in a low tone, unaware of Ravens intentions.

"I know I took him from you. I'm so sorry, I.. then, I didn't know." Raven huffed, tears welling back in her eyes as Clarke's eyes widened.
Clarke was staring off, her gaze slowly drifting and meeting with Ravens.
"I stole him from you, what kind of friend am I"

"Don't think that." Clarke stayed, pulling Raven back into a hug.
"You didn't do anything wrong."

"I took the guy you loved"

"Exactly, loved we were nothing more than a summer fling."

"That's not what he told me. He said you two were on and off for years,"

Clark once more pulled from the hug, staring into Ravens eyes, "we were nothing, what we had was nothing. And in comparison to how he feels about you, it wasn't even a single grain of sand out of an entire beach." She tried to explain. "Whatever we had is deep in the past, what you two have now.. you need to fight for."

Raven smiled, wiping her tears away as she hugged Clarke a third time.
"Thank you." She hummed, pulling away and stepping out the door, high hopes of finding Finn and a common ground.

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