Episode: 39

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"You two deserve each other!" The assailant yelled, her violent grip on Clarke's hair releasing as Clarke was thrown to the ground with an audible thud. Clarke winced, her head pounding as she could barely open her eyes.
"Oh, and Sorry for the strangling thing.. it's nothing personal" the familiar voice groaned as a heavy door slammed shut.

"Clarke?" Bellamy's soft voice called to her. Clarke opened her eyes, the bright colours around her felt like needles through her brain, but as her vision began to focus, her eyes rested on Bellamy.

"Bell?" She muttered, making her way over to him as she sat at his side. His hand came up and rested on her cheek, noting the blood stains through her good hair, he looks into her eyes and silently apologises. Clarke's fingers entertained with his, she smiling lightly before noticing he was holding his stomach.

"What happened to you?" Clarke huffed, the world around her clear as she saw a large patch of blood by Bellamy's stomach.

"She shot me?"

"Ash.." Clarke huffed, realising the identity her assailant and captor. "Why did she do this to you.."

"I don't know, I" He winced, pulling himself up slightly, "I think it had something to do with her and I not dating?"

"That's ridiculous." Clarke sighed, peeling back the soaked layer of shirt, revealing a large circular wound, penetrating Bellamy's skin and flesh. It oozed blood as Clarke's hand slid around his back, forcing her body closer to his and her head resting just above his shoulder.
"There's no exit wound.." she sighed in his ear.


"So, it means the bullet is still inside you.." Clarke explained, watching Bellamy ache in pain over the wound in his stomach. "Am I.. am I gonna die?" He questioned, a look of anguish and fear sprawled across his tired face.

"No. No I won't let that happen." Clarke explained, forcing back tears as she caressed his pale cheek, "This is going to hurt, but I've got to get the bullet out.."

"How are you going to do that?" Bellamy asked, his eyes scanning around the vacant room. Aside from a bed sheet sprawled haphazardly across the floor and a cheap, dingy looking facet, the room was empty.

"You just have to trust me, okay?" Clarke muttered, hearing Bellamy laugh lightly.

"Me, trust you? It's a given." He groaned, his head staring up at the ceiling as Clarke placed her hands either side of his wound.

"I don't think it hit anything vital... looks like it just passed just below your lung.." she sighed in relief, looking up to him as he refused to look at her.

"Lucky? I'm going to bleed to death.." he lightly choked. Clarke looked down to his body, covered in blood and sweat and bruises. She blamed herself for the two of them being in this predicament, maybe if she was honest with him from the start they would've stayed together and Ash wouldn't have been more than a distant memory.
Clarke took a deep breath, lightly pushing on his stomach, Bellamy groaning in response, unaware of the pain that was about to engulf him.

Clarke's fingers slipped into his open wound, Bellamy loudly groaning in agony as Clarke fished around for the bullet, under her breath she kept repeating "don't go into shock, don't go into shock, don't go into shock!" Once her entire finger was inside him, her eyes widened as she felt the tink of metal.
"I got it." She huffed, using her nail to simply dislodge it from behind his rib and gradually bull it back. Bellamy was now breathing heavy, desperately trying to stay afloat of consciousness, despite the searing pain burning up the left side of his body.

"Clarke" He groaned, his calm tone quickly turning to a shout. Clarke used her to her hand to hold him firmly in place as the only sound other than Bellamy's groaning was the tink of metal hitting the floor.
Bellamy's body relaxed against the concrete wall, huffing with each breath as Clarke just stared.

Her next prayer was that no arteries had been nicked in the process. Although a steady stream of blood flowed from the wound, nothing to lead her to believe anything critical had happened. Clarke let out a sigh of relief, kissing him on the cheek before hurrying over and grabbing the bed sheet.
"You did great." She huffed, knowing although they weren't out of the woods yet, the scariest part was over.

"Clarke.." he sighed as Clarke ripped off strands of the bedsheet, making a poor homemade tourniquet around his wound.

"Mm?" She huffed, grossly aware of the blood that spattered her arms and face, of which she tried to wipe away.

"If I die.."

"No, don't even try it."

"You need to hear this.."

"No. You're not going anywhere, we're going to get out of here and be fine."

"Yeah, how? Do you think Ash is just going to let us go?" He coughed as Clarke applied resume to his sore.

"We will find a way... the girls will find us.."

"And if they don't?"

"You're not going to die.." she stated firmly. Bellamy just sighed.

"It's cold.."

"You should get some sleep." Clarke added, pressing her hand to his forehead. His head began slowly lowering, his breathing gradually getting shallow..
"Clarke.. don't leave.." he huffed.

"I'm not going anywhere.."

"No.." he muttered, very weak and weary as Clarke propped herself up beside him, lightly cuddling into him. "I mean don't leave me....." he stuttered with his final breath as he lost consciousness. Clarke threaded her hand through his hair, lying his head on her shoulder as she closely monitored him.


Clarke and Bellamy are thrown into what appears to be a basement by Bellamy's jealous ex, Ash. Clarke roughly those to the floor w a throbbing headache from the gun cocked into the side her head, quickly noticing and attempting to help Bellamy with his bullet wound. instead of scoping for a way out she decides to tend to him first, fishing the bullet out of his body before bandaging him up, although he was weak from the experience, he fell asleep beside Clarke who took it upon her self to 'doctor' him til he woke up again..

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