Episode: 37

358 14 4

Clarke was yanked back by her throat, a strong lead crushing her windpipe as she struggled to find her attacker.
She was unable to make a sound, scratching at the arms of the intruder which firmly held the rope around her neck. Clarke's face burned as she was dragged into the dark room against her will, trying to make enough noise to alert her friends just down the hall, but it seemed impossible.

She swung her leg back, throwing her body against the assailant, having them stumble, but silently catch themselves as they're taught around her neck tightened. Clarke's head felt fuzzy, her vision blurring as she gargled out whatever semblance of words she could.
Her body getting weak as she slowly began sliding to the floor, her left hand fumbling around on the floor for anything, she could use to defend herself. Finally, as she was losing consciousness, her hand found a pen. And jammed it into her attackers leg, momentarily freeing her as she fell stomach first onto the floor.

She heard them whimper behind her, gasping as she took a deep breath, and she began clawing at the floorboards, slowly pulling her body as an attempt to escape. But her vision was poor, her ears ringing as she made it to the doorway on her stomach. "Raven.." her weak voice croaked as her hands clasped the door, leaving a bloodied smear. "Octavia-" She was cut off as the rope once again was thrown over her head. Clarke choked, not having any energy to fight back as she was dragged into the depths of the black room, the only sound around her other than her muffled screams and weak attempts at fighting her attacker are the words whispered to her as everything faded to black.

"I'll see you soon..."


"Raven." Octavia cooed as she shook her sleeping friend. "Raven, where's Clarke?"

"I don't know." Raven yawned. "Isn't she with you?"

"No.. I just went outside to take a phone call, we need to find her and we gotta go-" an audible thumping cut Octavia short. It sounded abnormal and immediately out the girls on edge.
"What was that.." Octavia whispered as Ravens body snapped awake.

"I'm not sure.." Raven told her in a hushed tone. "But I'm gonna find out. Stay behind me.." Raven said, getting to her feet and stealthily exiting the living room and into the hallway.
Octavia quickly snatched a knife from Clarke's kitchen counter as they tip toed down the hall and to the open and lit up bathroom. It was empty and as clean as it always was. It wasn't until Octavia tapped Raven, gesturing to the bloody handprint on the doorframe before them that their nerves peeked.
"Stay back.." Raven whispered as she took a breath, she was prepared to fight someone if necessary. Her body sprung around the corner and into the pitch black room, Octavia following suit as the noticed a chill come over them.

Octavia flicked on the lights to reveal Clarke laying on the floor in a puddle of blood, her face was pale and her lips where a bright shade of blue.
"Clarke!" Raven screamed as she leapt to her friends side, Octavia already on the phone with an ambulance.
"What happened?" Raven demanded, turning to face Octavia.

"I don't know!" Octavia rebuttles, her eyes drifting to the now open window frame. "But I'm guessing whoever did this made a quick escape." She stated, pointing to the fresh blood along the bottom of the windowsill.

"Clarke isn't breathing. What do I do?"

"I don't know, I'm on the phone with the police now!" Octavia shouted, the two under such a heap of stress.
"Yes, hello?" Octavia shouted as she left the room to call an ambulance.

"Come on Clarke. Don't die on me." Raven pleaded as she pulled Clarke towards her, tears running down her cheeks.

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