wide awake

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You thought me lazy
When I spent most times
Taking a nap
But did you know
I spent most nights
Wide awake, 
Counting the times
I made mistakes,
Recounting the moments
I was rebuked,
Imagining the ways
It could have gone,
But still I know
There's nothing I could have done.

You thought me lazy
When I spent most times
Taking a nap
But did you know
I spent most nights
Wide awake, 
Enjoying the company
Of the seemingly endless night
For it will die
With the coming of daylight,
And how I dread
Saying goodbye to the darkness
Who covered my tears
And to the quiet
Who listened to my fears.

You thought me lazy
When I spent most times
Taking a nap
But did you know
I spent most nights
Wide awake
Wanting to escape
But sleep didn't come yet again.

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