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wednesday, 3:07 pm

Remus was an art school student in his fourth and final year. He was a pretty, tall boy with freckles under his eyes and around his nose (and a few on his shoulders but he was pretty insecure about that even though they made him very unique as they looked like galaxies). He wore round glasses, but only to read. And most importantly, he was late for his job.

Remus found himself working in a café out of the city centre. He loved working there because it was small, cosy and vintage. He was the one that got to pick the music because he was usually the only one there (except for his boss of course).

All the music Remus played was on vinyl. He absolutely loved classic rock and everything related. When he was little, his father taught him how to use a record player correctly so he wouldn't ruin his collection. He was thankful that his father showed him music like The Beatles, Elton John, Led Zeppelin and his favourite, Queen.

Young people usually came in to study or read, drink their morning coffee or a hot chocolate. It was almost never full because it was a bit distant from everyone and barely anyone knew about it. But people who did know it existed absolutely loved it.

There was one person who came in a lot. He had long, black, a bit wavy hair that was always volumed and never greasy. He always came in dressed in black and Remus found him quite interesting. He would always come alone and bring a navy blue electric guitar with him. He always plugged headphones in so he wouldn't bother anyone and Remus found that cute.

He would sometimes glance at Remus and smile because he found his freckles very adorable. He liked when Remus scratched the back of his head when he found himself in awkward situations. He liked how his light brown hair fell on his forehead and slightly covered his eyes so he had to fix it every few minutes. And he absolutely loved when Remus caught his eye and looked away quickly like nothing happened and then blushed for the next 5 minutes to leave him laughing under his breath.

"This better be the last time you're late!" said his boss, Mrs Revalvier. "Promise," said Remus and quickly put on his apron. "I'm not going to be here today so can you please close and lock for me?" He nodded.
It wasn't new to Remus, he did it quite often because he was a good boy, he never broke the rules so he was pretty easy to trust.

She smiled at him, put on her coat and exited. Remus started walking towards his record collection when he bumped into someone and tripped.

"Oh, shit! I'm sorry!" Remus was on the floor and as soon as looked up, he saw a very attractive guy who was reaching out his hand. He looked very worried so Remus just smiled at him. "I'm alright, don't worry," he said, grabbed his hand and pulled himself up.

They stood like that for a few seconds, inches away from each other, Remus' eyes staring deeply into the other guy's.

"The usual?" Remus said, finally breaking the eye contact while trying to hide his blushing face.
"Yeah, thanks," said the shorter boy and smiled.

Remus ran back to the bar and came back just two minutes later with a vanilla frappuccino. He looked around for a bit and found the guy sitting by the table he always sits by with his guitar in his lap and headphones over his ears.

He removed the headpiece when he saw the brown-haired boy getting closer.

"You know... I don't think vanilla frap is really your style." Sirius lifted his brow. "What do you mean? A vanilla frappuccino is so punk rock."

Remus smiled at him one last time and went to set the music. This time, Sirius leaned back with his cup of coffee by his mouth and waited for the music to start.

Remus was looking through the records for a few minutes until he found the one. He pulled out an 'Anthem of the Peaceful Army' vinyl by Greta van Fleet. He looked at it for a few more seconds and put it on the record player. Sirius nodded at the good music choice.

Remus was standing behind the bar, mildly bopping his head up and down which made Sirius smile. He was preparing two cappuccinos for the two girls that just entered and sat by the table that was opposite of Sirius'.

They kept glancing at him and giggling to each other and he didn't want to admit it, but Remus was jealous. Why? He didn't know. He just was.

He brought them coffee, gave them a fake smile and returned to his work spot behind the bar where he started bopping again, this time to When the Curtain Falls.

Sirius couldn't stop looking at him because there was something about the coffee boy he liked. He sat behind the bar when Remus wasn't looking (as he was cleaning the coffee machine) and when the boy turned back around he jumped and dropped the sponge.

"You have great taste in music," said the black-haired boy.
"Oh please, this is the only time you've actually heard the music I put on, you always have your headphones on!" At that, Remus blushed.

"Oh, so you're stalking me?" said Sirius playfully, smirking and winking at Remus which made him blush even more. "No... I just have to keep an eye out... For the costumers," Remus said, not helping with his already red face. "You know," Sirius said, pointing at Remus, "you're an awful liar." The taller boy opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"Told you," said the punk boy and smirked again. Remus rolled his eyes and left Sirius to turn around the vinyl.

"What's your name?"
"I'm not telling you my name!"

"Edgy," said Sirius, turning back around to Remus. "Then I'll call you Wolfboy."
"Why would you..." he said, looking confused as ever. "Your necklace? It has a wolf on it."

Remus smiled slightly. He was given that necklace by his mom a few months before she died. His eyes started to water. Not now, Remus. "Then I'm allowed to call you..." he took a few seconds to look at the boy and noticed a star tattoo on his wrist. "Starboy."

"You know, I could've just told you my name if you asked."
"Maybe I don't want to know your name."

Remus was trying hard to not show the smile he had on his face but Sirius still saw it. "I would love to stay and talk about music more but I'm kind of in a hurry," he said and pulled out his phone. "I have band practice 5 minutes away from here and I'm... 15 minutes late. Enjoy your shift, Wolfie," Sirius smirked.

"See you around, Starboy," replied Remus and shook his head slightly. Sirius grabbed his guitar and literally ran out of the café.

Little did Remus know that he had just met someone very important.

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