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thursday, 7:23 am

Remus looked at the address his friend sent him again. It was the café where he worked! Will he cancel work for that day or will he just...

Remus ran through his thoughts once again. He was pretty nervous about meeting Sirius because they had known each other for like a week and they are already going out. Should he be scared? What if he's not who Remus thinks he is?

Fuck. It was 7:45. The boy quickly put on a beige sweater and white jeans, grabbed his bag, ran to the kitchen and said a goodbye to his dad. He ran his hand through his hair a few times so it looked like it was messed up on purpose. His school was 10 minutes away and he had to wait for the bus.

He finished school at 2:30 pm today so he had loads of time to get to work. His boss wasn't there, as usual. He stood by behind the bar and waited for orders. Secretly he was hoping that the Starboy would come by again.

He waited for 2 hours when he finally saw the black-haired boy walk in. He didn't have his guitar with him this time, just a notebook. He didn't really look happy but when he looked up at Remus, he still smiled. He sat down at the table and Remus immediately started making his vanilla frappe.

He brought it to his table and sat down next to Sirius, hands supporting his chin.

"I don't have money with me, I'm sorry," he said sadly. "Don't worry, it's on the house" Remus quickly replied and smiled, causing Sirius to smile back.

"Did you know that you have the cutest smile in the world?" Sirius said and Remus blushed immediately. "You really think so?" Sirius nodded.

"Well, thank you, I guess," Remus said and scratched the back of his head. It took quite a lot of effort for Sirius not to smirk at him and make him seem like a freak but he succeeded.

Seaside Rendezvous started playing.

"I see you are into queen too, I like that." Remus nodded and wanted to talk about everything with him. "Who's your favourite member? I prefer John because he's so good and his hands... God, I want him to..." Remus stopped himself from going further. To that, Sirius just laughed.

"I play bass sometimes, too, although I'm more of a guitar dude myself and I think that's why I prefer Brian." He took a sip of his coffee. God, his hands.

Sirius caught Remus looking at his hands but tried to play it cool.

"What's your favourite song by them?"
"That's so hard! I love every single song but I think My Fairy King is my favourite," Remus said. Sirius thought for a moment. My Fairy King... My Fairy... It sounds so familiar...

"I personally prefer '39, i think it's nice."
"That's not very punk rock of you," said Remus and laughed out loud. Sirius couldn't help but smile. "Freddie or Brian's version?" "Oh, definitely Brian's," He nodded. "I agree."

They just sat and talked about music for 2 more hours and Sirius almost got rid of the sadness he had before he started talking to the boy he still didn't know the name of.

"Beside music and this café, what do you do in life?"
"Well... I love spending time with my dad, you know, going on picnics and such, I'm also a student in an art school and I'm finishing last year now."

"What about your mom, not so close with her?" Sirius asked and quickly regretted it when he saw Remus' face filled with sadness. "I'm sorry I didn't..." "She died," Remus interrupted. "And it's alright, please don't say you're sorry because it's not your fault."

Sirius didn't say anything. He moved closer to Remus and hugged him. They sat like that for the next 10 minutes in complete silence and neither of them found it weird or uncomfortable. In all honesty, they both enjoyed it very much.

"When do you finish?" said Sirius finally.
"I just need to lock and then I can leave, why?" Sirius smiled. "I want to show you something if you would let me." The taller boy nodded.

As soon as Remus locked the door, Sirius took his hand and they were off. In about 20 minutes of silent walking they arrived to a meadow. No lights were seen anywhere close. It was complete darkness as it was 8:30 pm. Spring just started and nights were getting shorter again.

"Wow." Remus looked down at the view. It was like having the whole city under his finger. It was so far away yet so close. The houses looked like toys and the lights inside were shining like fireflies. He looked up.

The sky was covered in stars and it was like a white blanket over the whole universe.

"Come lay down," said Sirius and tapped on the grass next to him. Remus didn't hesitate and laid down.

"Do you know anything about stars?"
"I wanted to major in astrophysics but art was more important to me... Me and my mum always painted together and those were the best times of my life." A tear fell out of his eyes and started streaming down his rosy cheek but Sirius mildly wiped it off with his thumb. Thank God it's dark.

"This is the Cassiopeia, the W shaped constellation. This over here are Ursa Major and Ursa Minor... And if you look that way you can see the Orion... one of my favourite constellations."
Sirius smirked.

"And this over here is Canis Major and it's brightest star, Sirius. I think that might be my favourite star."

"Any specific reasons?" asked the Starboy. "I guess I have a friend."

"Ever heard the story of Remus and Romulus?"

"No," Remus lied.

"I've said it before but... You're an awful liar, Wolfboy." Sirius grabbed Remus' hand lightly and intertwined their fingers. Remus didn't fight back because he quite enjoyed it.

"Hey, Remus, remember when you said that my voice was attractive and that you wanted me to fuck you?"

"Maybe I wasn't talking about you..." Remus said before he realised. "Holy shit."

Sirius pulled out his phone and a few seconds later Remus got the notification.

i found you, wolfboy

Remus laughed at the message he got.
"Shit. I did say that, didn't I?" He said and covered his eyes with the free hand, not letting go of Sirius.

"I wouldn't mind."

Remus stopped laughing and turned towards Sirius.
"Do you think love at first sight exists?" Remus asked.

"I do."

They were looking at each other for a few more seconds in complete silence, until Sirius leaned in and slowly kissed Remus who immediately kissed him back.

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