Chapter: •1•

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A/n: Y/n is currently in her seventh senior year of high school, so the Y/n on the left.


I rolled my eyes as everyone started conversing. Neither Ein or Daniel are here right now, and this means a large amount of trouble for my little brother. Daniel can't even fight a sack of potatoes and win- we tried that during his training. This is why I'm still in high school, even if i'm 25.... fuck off it's my life I can do what I want! I then noticed in the gym windows- Daniel and Ein were alone in the gym. My eyes dilated and I shot up from my seat- I ran as fast as I could. The second I burst through the door I saw Ein jump. "What do you think you're doing to my little brother!?" I could feel my eyes starting to turn they're dangerous purple color instead of they're normal black and grey. "This Omega should leant his place! I'm simply teaching him a lesson... one he'll never forget." A dark smile grew on Ein's face and my pupils went a sharp yellow when I saw Ein raise his hands up- claws out ready to swipe down on Daniels face. In a flash I was in front of Daniel- a grunt of pain left my mouth as my vision in my right eye started to blur and turn red...

"Y- Y/n!?" I growled as I spoke lowly- staring Ein down, I could feel my ears and tail force their way out from my rage. "Daniel, Get out of here. Now. I'll handle this sick fuck." Daniel ran off, I smiled as I slowly started to advance on Ein. "You think that just because you have slight authority that you can do anything you want? Let me tell you something- your status is still announced as Omega, because you will never. And I mean NEVER. Be ALPHA!" I my voice started going dark as I lunged at Ein. I startled his chest and started beating him down. Repeated punch after punch. He grabbed my fist and threw me off of him- I slammed into the wall behind me. "You think you're so tough!? You're 25 and you still can't even pass high school! What kinda person are you!?" I slowly stood up holding my arm. My right eye was bleeding- and I was dizzy as fuck. "I'm the kind of person that's willing to never move up in life if it means I can protect the one thing that makes life worth living for. I will always be here for Daniel- because if it weren't for him. I would've killed myself a long time ago."

I smirked and nailed Ein in the face, as my vision started going black I noticed my old buddy Aaron burst through the doors. As he saw my weakened form he instantly went Ultima as he charged at Ein. I chuckled lowly as I knew Ein was fucked now. "Have fun in... jail.... you b-bitch..." I fell forward, with my last remaining amount of energy I reverted back into my human form. Then everything went black...

TimeSkip: An Hour Later!

I groaned as I slowly got up- my right eye was completely black. I panicked until I realized I was wearing an eyepatch. I removed it- I could see perfectly but when I looked to the left of my I saw that my right eye color was faded, it was now a light grey instead of being completely black. "Well then... that's another scar to add to the list..." I looked around, I'm in an ambulance but we aren't moving. The paramedics must be outside talking. I removed the drug tube thingy from my arm. When I stood up I had a slight head rush but it wasn't too bad. As I opened the doors to the ambulance I saw Daniel hugging Aphmau while crying. I went full sister protection mode as I was right by Daniel's side. "Are you okay!? What's wrong!? Do I need to slap a bitch!?" Daniel turned around and instantly grabbed onto me- eyes wide.

"You're okay! I thought you were g-gonna have t-to g-go to the h-hospital a-and I
w-wouldn't be able to see
y-you!" I gripped onto Daniel tightly as I sighed slightly. "I'm perfectly fine Daniel. How are you?" Daniel looked me in the eyes before gasping. "Your eye! I-It's faded! Wh-Why would you take that hit for me!? I-It should have been me!" I gripped Daniel by the shoulders tightly as I pulled him back to look me in the eyes. "You listen here and you listen good. You will never talk like that again. Ever. You have so much to live for- so much to do. You have so much potential in life! Me? I have nothing to live for besides you, If you died I would never forgive myself. I don't think you understand that when I say 'I would die for you in a heartbeat.' I 100% mean it."

Daniel just started sobbing harder and Aphmau looked at my dull eyes shocked and slightly horrified. "Y-Y/n?" "It's true." I held Daniel as I started to walk away. "Do you want a piggy back ride?" Daniel slowly nodded. When I set him on my shoulders he giggled before kicking my side lightly. "Onward!" I just smiled and started walking home.

TimeSkip: Last Day of School

As me and Daniel walker I tot he house laughing it dropped dead when I saw two men in suits start walking towards me. "Daniel- Get behind me. Now." He did as told- until I heard that woman's voice. "Stop, Let me talk to her first." I saw my mother smirk at me- this bitch still hates me... all because I have my father's genes... What a bitch! "Y/n Sweetie, You have failed your senior year of high school for the last time. Until you bring home a high school diploma you are going to be at a military camp. These nice men will be taking you away." I heard Daniel's sniffle. I turned around and grabbed his shoulder. "Daniel. These are my final words to you. Live life to the fullest, and if this psychotic bitch tried to drag you down then go move in with a friend! Remember, you are stronger then you think. Remember your blood- and never ever change who you are. I love you with all my heart and I am always here for you." That's all I could get out before I was dragged away by the collar of my school uniform. The second I was thrown into the back of the Jeep I went emotionless. The men noticed- they backed up as a shadow cast over my face and I held no emotion. "W-What the fuck!?" I looked at the man, my tone cold and heartless. "Would you feel emotions if your entire world just watched you be forcefully sent away by it's own mother? I thought so. I have nothing to live for and never will until Daniel is back in safe hands. Enjoy life with me because it's gonna be a hell of a lot worse for you if I die under your 'watchful eye'..." I chuckled darkly while the two men started to shake while getting behind the wheel.

My Little Ultima~ (Aphmau: Melissa x Female Ultima Werewolf Reader)Where stories live. Discover now