Chapter 3

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7:03am, August 2

Jisung rolled straight out of his bed, falling onto the carpeted floor, "Ow.." He groaned, slowly sitting up, harshly rubbing his sleepy eyes.

After using the bathroom and washing his face, he went back to his bedroom where he put on some black sweat pants a matching tshirt. He pulled a beanie over his head, tucking his hair up into it to get it out of his face.

Grabbing his backpack, he left his room and hopped down the stairs, entering the kitchen, "Morning, Ma," he said, his voice froggy.

His mother was sitting on the couch in the living room, sipping a cup of coffee and eating a bowl of cereal, "Morning, Sweetie. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. You?" He grumbled without really listening to the answer, grabbing a bottle of water and an energy drink from the fridge. He put the water in his backpack, and popped open the can of drink, "Alright, I gotta motor if I want to make it to school on time."

"Woah hold on, you gotta eat breakfast!" She protested, sitting up a little straighter.

Jisung made his way over toward the front door, "I'm really not hungry. I'll have a good lunch though, promise. Love you, bye!" He called as he left the house, trudging across his front lawn and stepping onto the sidewalk in front of his house.

The walk to school was similar to the previous day's. He chugged his energy drink, tossing the can into the first trash bin he walked by.
He continued his walk for a while, taking in the wonderful weather that day. Everything seemed peaceful, maybe today would be better.



"Aah!! Fuck!" Jisung swore in response to the thump of a hard object on his back. He quickly spun around to discover the cause of it.

He saw nothing but a basketball rolling away from him. Not a person to be seen.

He continued walking, sighing and rubbing his back, "So they've upgraded from a tennis ball to a basketball, I see," he mumbled under his breath as he approached the school parking lot.

He kept his head down as he walked through school, blocking out the glares that he knew he was getting.
When he reached his locker, he looked up again, soon wishing he hadn't.

The word 'murderer' was spray-painted onto his beige locker in dripping, blood-red paint.

He let out a small gasp, frozen in his spot as he stared at the chilling word, a pit forming in his stomach.
His backpack fell from his grip, landing on the floor with a thump, though Jisung didn't notice.

Before he even snapped out of his daze, his face came into contact with a fist, which sent him falling to the ground, hitting the hard floor with a painful thud. Another fist plunged into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He could barely register what was happening. Hands were flying and people were yelling.
He couldn't really see his attacker's face, for it was obstructed by a mop of messy, black hair.

Jisung weakly tried to fight back, attempting to shield his face from any further punches that were being thrown at him.

It was over before it started, the looming figure on top of him was pulled off. The yelling ceased, but the ringing in Jisung's ears didn't.

He looked up, his head rolling to the side. His attacker was being restrained by a teacher.
Jisung finally got a look at his face.


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