Chapter 4

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7:33am August 13th

Over a week has gone by since he got beaten up, but he was still incredibly gun-shy about going to school. He didn't feel safe there. After that post on Instagram that he saw, it was even worse. People were still making scary threats at him and bullying him at school. It was hell.


Jisung arrived at school, walking to his defaced locker.
Despite it being over a week since someone graffitied his door, the school hadn't bothered to paint over it because they didn't want to spend the money.
He stared at it, mentally rolling his eyes at the thought of some meat-headed delinquent spray painting it on there as some kinda prank.


The sound of his head crashing against the metal lockers rang through ears, rattling his brain. He fell to the ground, hitting his head again on the concrete floors. Fear shot through him, but he was in too much pain to make a fight or flight decision.
He slowly opened his eyes, seeing who was the one who shoved him.

Lee Seokun, linebacker on the school football team. 200lbs of pure muscle and idiocy. His head was shaped like a thumb and he had a gap between his teeth the size of a small parking space.

Jisung groaned, rubbing the back of his head, "W-what the fuck.."

"This is for Hyungmin," the dude growled, kicking Jisung hard in the stomach. He stood over him, laughing triumphantly. His pig-like face twisted into a disgustingly malicious grin as he relished in the boy's suffering.

Jisung let out a cry of pain, clutching his stomach. His whole body was shaking, mostly due to the pain. He feared he'd have a broken rib or worse once the beating was over.
Seokun reared back to kick him again, but was met with a firm shove at the shoulder by someone else.

"Hey, leave him alone, you've done enough!" a person announced, pulling Seokun away from Jisung.
He looked up to see who it was.
It was Minho, who was now walking with Seokun down the hall, holding him tightly by the back of the neck.

Jisung closed his eyes, curling up into a ball and clutching his stomach tighter. He let out a groan of pain. His head throbbed horribly, and he felt like he was gonna either vomit or pass out.
Just what he needed, another beating.
How could this school year get any worse.

After a brief trip to the nurses office to make sure he didn't have a concussion, Jisung went about the rest of his day, going from class to class, constantly suppressing the urge to cry.

For lunch, he bought an energy drink and climbed up to the roof.
He was starting to get comfortable with the feeling of his feet just inches away from the edge of the building.
He was used to the view of the parking lot from 3 stories up.
He stood on the edge of the roof for a couple of minutes, occasionally dangling one foot off, just to be cheeky.

'Maybe one day..but not today.'

Jisung sighed, sitting down with his legs hanging over the edge. He cracked open his drink, taking a sip.
The sun was actually out that day, forcing him to roll up his sweater sleeves to prevent him from breaking a sweat.
He sat there in silence, flashbacks of that morning replayed in his mind.

'That was for Hyungmin'

"God, I'm such a disgrace. I'm a murderer, no wonder everybody hates me."

He pulled the pull tab off of his can, analyzing it carefully. His finger brushed against the sharp edge of the aluminum, letting an idea strike in his mind. He stared at the pull tab for several seconds more.

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