38. Louder Than My Words

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Borsa, Romania

                Finn slowed the car when he got the out skirts of the town.

                JJ grabbed his arm, “Do you see that?”

                Finn nodded his head back at her, “We can't get close to the town. They will know us.”

                Shep looked back at them, “They won't know me. I look too much Jared.”

                JJ glanced back at him, “They know our parents Shep. We are screwed either way.”

                Finn glanced back as the cars behind him started to line up, “I have to get off the road.”

                JJ pointed to a side street as Finn pulled off the main road.

                JJ grabbed her beanie as Finn grabbed his hat. “Shep, you stay with us at all times.”

                “Ok Dad.” Shep blurted out.

                Finn glared back at him as they got out of the car.

                JJ walked out to the main street as it was lit up with candles and hanging lights above them, “I don’t understand what is going on.”

                A lady next to her glanced back at her, “The Red War Festival is to celebrate the war.”

                “But why after everything that happened with the war?” JJ looked back at her.

                “It was a revolution that led us to where we are today with our government. Do you understand that?”

                “What about the deaths after the war?” JJ looked back at her still picking for answers.

                “You mean the compound deaths?” The lady looked back at her confused.

                Finn grabbed JJ and pulled her back up the street as they kept walking. “They don’t know about the deaths JJ, they don’t know about GHOSTS.”

                JJ looked over her shoulder at the lady who was now dancing. “They don’t understand what they are celebrating.”

                Shep glanced back at her, “And if they did do you think they would be so happy right now?”

                “It was a genocide of their people and they don’t even know.” JJ muttered out.

                Finn nodded his head as he kept her moving, “We need some food.”

                Shep pointed to a little pub that looked empty.

                They went into the pub as there were about 3 people at the bar and only one person at a table.

                Shep sat down at a table as Finn went up to the bar.

                The older man working the bar walked over to Finn, “What do you want boy?”

                “Wondering what food we can get, we have been traveling for a while and we are pretty hungry.”

                “I ain't an orphanage.”

                Finn put the money down infront of him, “We will pay.”

                The man nodded his head as he went back into the kitchen.      

                Finn glanced back at JJ and Shep.

                “I don’t understand this place. They live on their pride of this country but they are celebrating a horrible time in their history.”

                Shep shook his head, “We celebrate the wars back in the states. I mean what do you think about the 4th or even Columbus Day?”

                JJ glared back at him, “The 4th was a day that we separated from Great Britain and Columbus Day was when he found the states.”

                “And soon after that he led English man over to the states and soon they are killing natives and bringing diseases, so really who is celebrating the worse times of their culture’s history.”

                JJ rolled her eyes back at him, “Don’t start that shit Shep.”

                “You wanna argue that these people, who are our people, are celebrating a time that they don’t even understand when really American’s do the same.”

                “Shep, we fought for that land in the states and these people don’t understand what our parents went through to cause the Red War.”

                Finn sat down with some drinks. “Are you two really fighting about history?”     

                Shep glared back at him.

                JJ shook her head when some food was brought out to them, “I'm just saying if they knew they wouldn’t be celebrating it.”

                The old man looked down at her, “You talking about the Red War Festival?”

                JJ looked up at him, “Yea I am.”

                “You kids most have older parents from this region.”

                Finn glanced up from his food, “Yea I mean we have some family from here.”

                “Then you know the stories of the Red War of the deaths that the media and the government like to keep quiet.”

                Shep looked back at him, “Yea we have heard a few.”

                The old man nodded his head back at them, “So you know then that they are gonna put a few members down at this festival.”

                JJ looked up from her food, “What do you mean put some members down?”

                “OH leave them alone Dad!” The girl came over pushing the old man away from their table. “I'm sorry guys for this old man bothering you!”

                JJ shook her head, “He isn't but what do you mean by that?”

                The old man shook his head as he walked away.

                Finn glanced back at JJ, “Maybe we should get moving.”

                Shep finished up his drink, “But where are we gonna go tonight?”

                “We have something to do.” Finn said back to him.

                JJ turned back to the girl handed her some money. “Thanks for the food.”

                “Listen, my father is old but the thing or the rumors about this slaughter are only growing. So I mean if you did have family here, I would walk away now.”

                JJ looked back at her, “We aren't leaving here just yet.”

                Shep looked over at Finn, “This whole towns needs to burn.”

                Finn nodded his head back at him, “They don’t under what they are covering up.”

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