47. Better to Have Been With

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Festival Finale 

                “Her name has brought death and war to our country for years. We have fought so much to battle back and create the land that we once had. But tonight we finally have what we have been pushing for so long to have. We have the chance to get our payback, to get our revenge; we have our chance to end everything that she created!” Samael shouted out over the people.

                Samael looked out over the thousand or so people infront of him.

                He took it in for a moment then finally he smiled down at his feet.

                “We all are hurting; we are all fighting something back that we have wanted for so long.”

                Samael stepped back as the crowd cheered and cried back at him.

                “Tonight, on the anniversary of the Red War, we get what we all have been waiting so long for!”

                Samael turned to the guards, “Bring them out to face the people that they have hurt and the lives they have destroyed!”

                Jensen looked up as the guard came to the door.

                “You are needed.”

                Jensen stood up and went with the guard.

                The guard pushed him forward.

                “Hey, don’t touch me you piece of shit.”

                The guard rolled his eyes as Jensen kept moving down the hallway.

                Jensen glanced up the hallway when he saw the door cracked open.

                He stopped when the guard pushed him again.

                Jensen pushed the guard back when he saw her body on the ground.

                “That is JJ that is JJ! JJ, get up!”

                Jensen pushed the guard down as he took off running for the door.

                He reached the door when he saw her face and the blood all around her.

                “No, baby, no, I promised you that I would get you out of here! What have you done?”

                Another guard came along and grabbed Jensen, “You are needed on stage!”

                “But my daughter, my daughter!” Jensen shouted back at JJ’s lifeless body.

                The guard reached down to Jensen, “I'm sorry Jensen but she is dead.”

                Jensen shook his head as another guard came down the hallway and grabbed him.

                “We can't have him being late to the stage.”

                The first guard nodded his head as they drug Jensen down the hallway toward the stage.

                Samael glanced up as the door was tossed open and his body was tossed onto the stage.

                Samael looked down as another guard grabbed his arms and pulled him down to the end of the stage.

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