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time skip lmao

Things you need to know:
The 4 girls got close to the boys
Liyah and brandon got closerrrrr
Its concert time


aaliyah's pov

"ALL YALL HOES, LETS GOOO." Lani yelled throughout my house. The girls and i all slept over my place because its closer to the venue, even though its still an hour and thirty minutes away.

We were finally gonna go to the prettymuch show and meet up with the boys after the show and chill with them for the night. "I cant wait to see my baby Brandon." I gushed while finishing up my make up by adding highlighter.

"Apparently maggie is going." Noelle snickered as she was doing her eyebrows. I stopped everything i was doing and looked at her, "Bitch."

"Whaaaat, im just saying." She said. I rolled my eyes and continued applying my highlight on the bridge of my nose.

Over the past few weeks, there have been rumors of brandon and maggie dating or talking which was irritating because we were kinda talking on the low.

"You do it better though." She assured. "Bitch i know, you dont even gotta tell me that." I laughed. noelle got up and went to my closet. "i kinda wanna do an outfit change." she said looking at me. "noelle this is your third outfit change, hurry the fuck up and decide." i groaned getting up and going to her.

"i dont know what to wear." she laughed taking off the red tube top she had on. "wear this black mesh with the one pink bralette you left over here." i suggested. she paused to think about it, "okay i like that. jean or leather jacket because you know my ass gets cold easily." she asked.

"what pants are you wearing?" i asked. "i was gonna either keep these on or my black ripped up skinny jeans." she said going to my draw and getting her bralette. noelle took off her strapless bra and put on the bralette, then she walked towards me and grabbed the mesh top and put that on.

"yall, we gotta go, lani is throwing a fit because she wants to get there early." mella came in and said, then she saw noelle changing again. "girl this is your thi-"

"i know shush, tell her we coming." noelle cut mella off saying. "alrighty." mella said and dipped. "black skinny jeans, and jean jacket." i said after looking at the fit. she nodded and changed into that. "thanks liyah." she said after.

"alright lets gooooo." she said grabbing her mini bag as i did. we left the house and i locked the door. "yall take too damn long." lani yelled from the car after rolling down the window.

"shut up." i said flicking her off.

we hopped in the car and she drove off stopping at starbucks first. After we all ordered and got our drinks and shit she went onto the freeway.

"Ayo pass me the aux bitch. I got some heat for yall." Noelle said holding her hand out.

"Ima light this blunt." Laila said flicking her lighter and taking a puff. "Y'all better hope we dont get pulled over." Lani said as she was driving.

"Puff puff pass bitch." Mella said after laila took 3 hits. "Girl shut up. We hotboxing." She said passing the blunt.

We continue to smoke the 3 blunts we have and drive while blasting music.


*at the concert/third's person pov*

"I forgot how to walk." Lani laughed grabbing onto liyah. "Who got the passes." Mella asked as they were walking to the back entrance. "Girl its on our necks." said noelle and pulled hers out from underneath her shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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